The milk from Human Capital for Cipolletti will go to the municipal soccer schools

Cipolletti was one of the cities that received more than 60,000 kilos of the controversial milk that was found in the warehouses of the Ministry of Human Capital, However, only 5,600 kilos will remain in the town.. The rest will be distributed among eight bishoprics of Patagonia. The municipality announced that they will be delivered to soccer schools and institutions that work with people with disabilities.

After a meeting between Conin Cipolletti and the city municipality It was defined how the delivery will be and where The milk that arrived from the Human Capital warehouses in Buenos Aires and Tucumán will be distributed.

The municipality will distribute 5,600 kilos of the 60,000 kilos that arrived in the city, the rest will go to the bishoprics of Rawson, Esquel, Comodoro Rivadavia, Neuquén, Bariloche, Viedma and two from Alto Valle. As explained, this Wednesday the operation will be carried out to distribute dairy products in community soccer schools and institutions that work with people with disabilities.

Given this, Rodrigo Buteler said: «What must be recognized is Conin for his generosity and willingness to work for the Cipoleños, and that all these boxes of milk reach homes where they need it most. That’s why We decided to give priority to the community soccer schools where boys and girls who play in the Children’s Soccer League are gathered.“We have surveyed more than 3,000 thousand boys who do it every Saturday and train during the week.”

And he stated that the municipality considered this measure “transparent and orderly, as the first destination to distribute the milk boxes.”

In addition, the municipality explained that they will work “in conjunction with disability institutions that work with vulnerable sectors of the population so that boxes can reach those homes.”On Tuesday the surveys were completed and today the distribution begins.”

The president of Conin Cipolletti, Alberto Capellian, stressed the “importance of having support” of the municipality, due to the lack of resources to carry out the distribution.

In addition, Capellian assured RÍO NEGRO RADIO that they will ask to keep a clear record of those who receive the food. “Be Caritas chooses where the milk will be distributed, but each box delivered to a person or family we ask for a name and ID. “You can’t drop a box over the side.”

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