They foresee million-dollar sanctions and even closures for labor exploitation in SLP – El Sol de San Luis

They foresee million-dollar sanctions and even closures for labor exploitation in SLP – El Sol de San Luis
They foresee million-dollar sanctions and even closures for labor exploitation in SLP – El Sol de San Luis

Exceeding the hours of the work day could generate partial or total closures of work centers, as well as sanctions of more than seven figures, warned Néstor Eduardo Garza Álvarez, head of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS).

With the recent reform to the Federal Labor Law, working hours that exceed the legal limit will be considered labor exploitation; In this regard, Garza Álvarez indicated that with the entry into force of this reform, upon becoming aware of acts of this type and verifying them through inspection, the STPS will proceed in the corresponding cases to present the complaint to the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE).

He recalled that before said reform, the STPS already applied random, constant operations, “where we supervise the different sectors where these cases of labor exploitation occur, or as we colloquially call it ‘forms of modern slavery’”, which occurs mainly in the agricultural sector.

He even recalled that San Luis Potosí received a Recommendation from the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) on labor exploitation in the last state administration, which led to local, federal and international sanctions in a tomato company.

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Likewise, he pointed out that at the beginning of the administration cases of people who worked up to 55 hours a weekThese are people with labor mobility who reside in the shelters of agricultural ranches, where he said, “very rarely they are reported for fear of reprisals such as loss of employment,” however, as a result of the inspections, this has been reduced. situation as well as the informality and the state of the facilities.

He stated that now with the reform, regardless of the action determined by the FGE when reporting cases of labor exploitation, the STPS will sanction each and every one of the cases, and some of them may be considered sufficient cause to apply partial or total closures of work centersin addition to sanctions that may reach figures greater than 7 digits due to the workers involved.

Finally, Garza Álvarez mentioned that “it is important to call on society in general to make visible that Productivity is not achieved with long work hours or daysbut with a fair balance where the worker, his health and the social environment are the main actors… A healthy, well paid and happy worker“He will be a worker who will have better productivity, lower turnover, and above all, an important asset for any employer.”

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