Parliament approves the 2024-2032 Highway Plan

The plenary session of Parliament approved a few minutes ago, almost unanimously, the bill that includes the Highway Plan for the period 2024-2032. The text earned the support of all groups except Podemos-IU, which decided to abstain. The document includes a budget forecast of 265 million euros for the conservation and improvement of the regional road network.

The debate, although white glove, was not exempt from some scuffles that, in any case, did not threaten the final agreement. The Minister of Infrastructure, Daniel Osés, opened the session to present a text that, in his opinion, “should remedy the progressive deterioration of Riojan roads.” «Infrastructures are essential for the cohesion of the territory and equal opportunities. This Road Plan includes investments in the rural world, such as the improvement of the road between Jalón and Laguna, an old demand of the residents of Camero Viejo,” he exemplified.

Osés, however, has angered the members of the socialist group when he has taken pride in bringing to the Chamber a Highway Plan that they could not approve during the Andreu Government. In his reply, the socialist spokesperson, Jesús María García, reproached him for his lack of style: “I did not expect so little elegance and so little intelligence on the part of the Government of La Rioja in a matter in which we have gone hand in hand.” . The position is too big for you, Mr. Counselor. “This was not the speech that deserved the occasion.” García has indicated that, if there has been any delay, it should be charged to the account of the current Executive: “Yours was delayed, Mr. Osés, because the PSOE left it done and it took a year to bring it to this Chamber,” he stressed.

Beyond this exchange of reproaches, the session has become a hymn to the need to invest in roads and their improvement. “When you forget about the roller, a better law can come out,” added Vox deputy Héctor Alacid. On behalf of Podemos-IU, Henar Moreno thanked the PP for having decided to support an amendment to study the construction of bike lanes on regional roads, although he questioned whether the Plan incorporates a true drive for sustainability: “There is a great difference between the explanatory memorandum of the law and its budgetary specification, especially with regard to sustainable mobility. Sustainability only takes 1.5%. This plan advocates for the clear predominance of private transportation, which is something we do not agree with. Mobility must be guaranteed with an adequate public transport network. This was the reason why Podemos-IU decided to abstain from the bulk of the law, although it voted against the point that opens the possibility of private intervention in the road sector.

If Osés has acted as a bad cop, Cuevas has assumed the role of good cop on this occasion and has asked that the debate not become heated. “No one would understand that we would throw things at each other’s heads if we are then going to vote on the law almost unanimously,” he said. «This bill has done very well in the parliamentary process. It is important not only for road safety, but also for jobs and the economy. Talking about roads is talking about people, their quality of life, their safety,” Cuevas said. The Riojabajeño deputy referred in a special way to the direct connection between Autol and Pradejón, a need contemplated in the Plan that was a common demand of the inhabitants of both municipalities, closely linked by the mushroom industry.

Andreu’s farewell

The plenary session concluded with the farewell of former president Concha Andreu, who a few days ago announced her decision to leave the regional Parliament to dedicate herself exclusively to her work in the Senate. Andreu took the floor at the end of the debate to thank the efforts of all the deputies, his own and his opponents, the Parliament workers and the media. She had special words of affection for the members of her parliamentary group, to whom she predicted a great future. Parliament dismissed her with unanimous applause.

Andreu’s resignation will be verified in the next few hours. His seat in Parliament, after the resignation of María Marrodán, will be occupied by Daniel Carrillo, mayor of Brieva, Secretary of Strategy and man of the former president’s greatest confidence.

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