Mega meeting to celebrate International Yoga Day in Buenos Aires

Mega meeting to celebrate International Yoga Day in Buenos Aires
Mega meeting to celebrate International Yoga Day in Buenos Aires

Each June 21 is celebrated as International Day of Yogaa date declared by the United Nations Organization (UN) in 2014. Since its creation, this day brings together yoga practitioners from all over the world with the aim of promoting the ancient discipline, recognized for its benefits for physical, mental and spiritual health.

In Argentina, International Yoga Day offers an opportunity for people of all ages and abilities to participate in various activities and events related to this practice. From free classes in outdoor spaces to guided meditations and talksThere are options for everyone.

This year, the Embassy of India in Argentina and Uruguay will celebrate the tenth edition of the International Yoga Day with the motto “Yoga for the Self and Society”. The event, which will be free and freewill be carried out Friday June 21, 2024 starting at 10 hours in it Ocher Pavilion of La Rural, in Palermo.

Free classes, talks and guided meditation in an event with free admission in the RuralFree classes, talks and guided meditation in an event with free admission in the Rural

This year, the celebrations not only commemorate International Yoga Day, but also the 75 years of diplomatic relations between India and Argentina.

Yoga is essentially a ancient spiritual discipline originating in India, which points towards harmony of mind and body. It is an art and a science to healthy living. The word yoga has its roots in the Sanskrit language, yuj meaning “to unite.”

This year’s central theme is “Yoga for the Self and Society”, which highlights the importance of yoga in individual well-being and its positive impact on society. The activities will begin with an opening ceremony by Dinesh Bhatiaambassador of India in Argentina.

Yoga is not only a physical exercise that tones the muscles and provides elasticity, it is an ancient spiritual discipline originating in India that aims towards harmony of mind and body (Maximiliano Luna)Yoga is not only a physical exercise that tones the muscles and provides elasticity, it is an ancient spiritual discipline originating in India that aims towards harmony of mind and body (Maximiliano Luna)

They will continue with yoga practices, meditation sessions, and talks about health, yoga and nutrition. In addition, there will be cultural presentations of dances and music of India.

This event, known as Yoga Mahotsav 2024aims to promote yoga as a generalized movement focused on health and peace world. The master of ceremony will be the model and host Sofía “Jujuy” Jiménez. During the event, attendees will be able to enjoy stands with gastronomy, clothing, crafts and products related to well-being.

International Yoga Day activities

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice of ancient tradition, which originated in India. Various forms of yoga are practiced today and its success and number of followers is increasing all over the world.

The activity guide for International Yoga Day in La RuralThe activity guide for International Yoga Day in La Rural

The program will begin at 10:30 with the Inauguration of the Festival of Indiafollowed by the Opening Ceremony at 11. Then, the Common Yoga Protocol, inviting all attendees to participate in a collective yoga session. At 12, there will be a presentation cultural show.

The day’s agenda also includes a discussion panel titled “Yoga for the Self and Society” at 12:15, where the importance of yoga in daily life and its impact on the community will be explored.

Next, at 1:15 p.m., there will be another Indian cultural show. The day will also offer a meditation session at 1:25 p.m., followed by more cultural shows starting at 1:45 p.m. Participants are encouraged to bring their own yoga mat for the class which begins at 10:45.

The 2023 edition was held at the Boca Juniors Sports Center, the opening of the event was led by the Ambassador of India in Argentina, Dinesh Bhatia

The 2023 edition was held at the Boca Juniors Sports Center, the opening of the event was led by the Ambassador of India in Argentina, Dinesh Bhatia

Although yoga has long been recognized as India’s gift to the global wellness culture, the International Yoga Day It was proclaimed by the UN on June 21 after the encouragement of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2014.

The initiative of the Ministry of AYUSH of the Government of India seeks to spread alternative health systems. The first celebrations in Raj Path in New Delhi in 2015 generated two records Guinness. Since then, the event has been held annually in more than 190 countries.

The word “yoga” derives from Sanskrit and symbolizes union of body and consciousness. Originated thousands of years ago, it was spread by the Rishis throughout the world, with special development in India thanks to Sapta Rishi Agastya. The great wise man Maharishi Patanjali systematized this practice in his “Yoga Sutras”.

The discipline continued to evolve with contributions from various scholars, and today it is recognized globally as a method for disease prevention and the Health promotion. Millions benefit from its practice daily.

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