More than 8,000 schoolchildren from 22 education centers and associations in La Rioja have attended the Police exhibition

More than 8,000 schoolchildren from 22 education centers and associations in La Rioja have attended the Police exhibition
More than 8,000 schoolchildren from 22 education centers and associations in La Rioja have attended the Police exhibition


Agents from the Higher Police Headquarters of La Rioja have gathered this Thursday more than 8,000 students in the ‘La Ribera’ bullring belonging to some 22 educational centers and Associations of La Rioja on the occasion of the commemoration of the 200 years creation of the National Police.

The Government delegate in La Rioja, Beatriz Arraiz Nalda and the Superior Chief of the La Rioja Police, Manuel Laguna Cencerrado, presided over the event.

The macro police exhibition in which more than 200 police officers participated, has had a wide display of media in which a total of 30 motor vehicles, 1 helicopter, 1 TEDAX robot (explosive deactivator), 6 horses have been seen. and 6 dogs, who have managed to fill the Plaza de La Ribera in Logroño with applause and shouts of joy. And as a novelty, a ‘robot dog’ called SIRA, which has raised a lot of curiosity among attendees, which has an integrated radiological detector and another gas detector that helps to determine from a distance and prevent the police from approaching danger.

During the exhibition, National Police agents were seen on the ground carrying out multidisciplinary interventions, one on the arrest of a gang of criminals who rob laboratories, which includes several scenes and resolution sequences; and another related to the assault on a home and the arrest of the criminal gang.

Police dogs are always the most applauded by the children’s audience. Today, in Logroño, there was the presence of a ‘canine patrol’ made up of the dogs Kayak, Rozy, Elek, Nico, Panda and Koke. Four-legged ‘superheroes’ capable of detecting narcotic substances, locating explosives and even human remains.

From the Higher Police Headquarters of La Rioja, its specialist technicians in deactivation of explosives, those known as ‘Tedax’, have also been part of the exhibition with different exercises and simulations of deactivation of explosive devices or possible package bombs. There has also been the participation of agents from this same Headquarters of the Prevention and Reaction Unit (UPR), who have carried out a seat belt, different exercises on a motorcycle and van, with long weapons.

Another highly acclaimed Group has been the GOES (Special Operational Security Group), one of our elite groups. Created more than 35 years ago, they arrest highly dangerous criminals, members of armed gangs or special protection of people. And to culminate the event, the Special Cavalry Unit, one of the oldest units of the National Police, its origin dates back almost to the birth of the Institution, in 1825, whose function was to fight against the banditry of the time and monitor roads close to large population centers.

The National Police said goodbye to all attendees with a personal and media parade where spectators were able to see again all the agents who made the exhibition possible, such as agents from the Provincial Citizen Security Brigade, Participation Unit Citizen, UPR, Specialist Technicians in Explosive Disposal, Aerial Media Unit, Canine Unit, Cavalry Unit, Goes (Special Security Operational Group) and UIP (Police Intervention Unit).


The Master Plan responds to an agreement that existed between the Ministries of the Interior and Education more than 15 years ago and that has had very positive results throughout these years. The National Police goes to educational centers where they give informative talks of interest to students and their parents, on various current topics such as Gender Violence, drugs or social networks.

With this Master Plan, coordinated by the Government delegation, more than 150 centers have been reached throughout La Rioja; Since the beginning of this school year, a total of 5,436 students and 312 parents have participated in the aforementioned Plan.

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