The ministers who should leave remain

The ministers who should leave remain
The ministers who should leave remain

The President of the Republic has been sucking cock for a year with the change of ministers. He has sporadically and hastily changed retail ministers. First they were Education, with Alejandro Gaviria; Culture, with Patricia Ariza; and Sports, with María Isabel Urrutia. Then came Carolina Corcho, from Health; José Antonio Ocampo, from the Treasury; of the Interior, Alfonso Prada; Guillermo Reyes, Transportation; communications, Sandra Urrutia; Arturo Luna,…

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The President of the Republic has been sucking cock for a year with the change of ministers. He has sporadically and hastily changed retail ministers. First they were Education, with Alejandro Gaviria; Culture, with Patricia Ariza; and Sports, with María Isabel Urrutia. Then came Carolina Corcho, from Health; José Antonio Ocampo, from the Treasury; of the Interior, Alfonso Prada; Guillermo Reyes, Transportation; communications, Sandra Urrutia; Arturo Luna, from Science and Technology; of Agriculture, Cecilia López. Then the Minister of Mines and Energy, Irene Vélez, and finally Álvaro Leyva from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Germán Umaña from the Ministry of Commerce and Tourism came out.

In Sweden, the president revealed his intentions for the future. “It’s time for executions and evaluations,” he pointed out emphatically. Until now there has been speculation about the change of cabinet and with the cards on the table we already know that there will be changes for sure, although we do not know how big. The evaluation will not depend on who did well or who did badly. It all depends on which portfolios have been able to “address the change later and those that have not been able to with those who do not want to lose privileges and prevent these changes from being made.” In accordance with that evaluation, changes will be made. He also warned that stability in the economic team was more necessary than in other areas of public administration, although not mandatory.

It is worrying that the weakest areas of the Colombian State, which today are insecurity and the slow pace of growth of the economy, are not going to have a change of course, judging by what the president said from cold Stockholm. The announced adjustments would not affect Minister Ricardo Bonilla.

Faced with the public order situation that is plaguing Cauca, Nariño, Meta, Norte de Santander and part of Antioquia, the president says that we are at “war” and that “the barrage of violent events has to do with a response to pressure a new ceasefire and the recovery of the territories by the Public Force.” The reference to qualify Minister Iván Velásquez is the number of homicides, which are decreasing.

The public treasury is having a hard time. The defunding of the budget for 2024, sufficiently sung by Representative Katherine Miranda in time, put the fiscal rule in trouble. The Autonomous Committee of the Fiscal Rule spoke out to warn that a possible non-compliance with the budget income plan left no room for maneuver and that the breach would reach 23 billion pesos. The Minister of Finance clashed with the tax director and blamed him for failing to meet the collection goal, which fell by 10.3% compared to the previous year, and there Minister Bonilla “panicked,” according to the illustrative expression. of former minister Carlos Caballero. He went to the banking convention in Cartagena and shouted: spending had to be cut by 5.6% of the ministries’ budget.

In short, the Swedish noise of the movement in the Ministerial Cabinet will continue to be another column of smoke in which there will be no change of regime.


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The government continues to be at the limit of compliance with the fiscal rule according to the analysis of Fedesarrollo, coinciding with the Autonomous Committee of the Fiscal Rule.

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