In the attack on Jamundí they threw grenades with drones, they are already acting like in Cauca: Governor

In the attack on Jamundí they threw grenades with drones, they are already acting like in Cauca: Governor
In the attack on Jamundí they threw grenades with drones, they are already acting like in Cauca: Governor

Insecurity persists in Valle del Cauca, in the last month different events have occurred that have put the lives of residents at risk. Criminal actors have been involved in these, who have used motorcycle bombs and different explosives to affect the authorities. On June 19, there was a new harassment at a Police substation, where shots were fired and explosives were used.

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Faced with this latest attack against the authorities, units of the Public Force went to the place to help guarantee “the tranquility of the inhabitants and prevent future incidents,” clarified the Jamundí Mayor’s Office.

These attacks against public forces keep the Government and different territorial entities on alert, which is why they have repeatedly called on the National Government to provide support.

Dilian Francisca Toro, governor of Valle del Cauca, was on Caracol Radio. In this way, she pointed out that there are several measures that must be implemented to help guarantee security in that area of ​​the country.

Likewise, he mentioned that Jamundí is not lost and that they are working to guarantee tranquility. Regarding the last attack, he explained that the officers were not at the substation. “Because it was decided that there would be some checkpoints, that’s why they were in another area trying to control the area.”

In turn, the governor mentioned that this “harassment was done with grenades thrown from drones. “They are already acting the same as they do in Cauca and with this they destroyed a part of the Police Inspection.”

The official also pointed out that the Army was present in the area and that is why a confrontation occurred in which a soldier was injured.

In the midst of this, he commented that there are strategies that must be implemented. “Decisions have to be made that are fundamental, such as, for example, defining what is going to be done with the road that goes to Naya. We made that request to the National Government, because we have to destroy it, cover it up or do something, since the criminals are mobilizing there.”

“As a second measure, we are in the process of having the high mountain battalion, and we already have some lots. Another fundamental thing for generating a concrete result is the issue of Police stations; “The Prosecutor’s Office is in the process so that we soon have results,” he mentioned.

Finally, he said that social investment is required. “We are already working with indigenous communities and farmers. On Monday the 24th, the national director of crop substitution comes. “We are going to meet and we are going to work on this issue.”

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