Due to the closure of routes, El Chocón was left without accommodation

Due to the closure of routes, El Chocón was left without accommodation
Due to the closure of routes, El Chocón was left without accommodation

However, those who were unable to find accommodation there returned and sought refuge in neighboring towns. “They started arriving here after 6:00 p.m. Suddenly we started receiving calls to inquire about the availability of places and in a short time everything was covered“, said to LMNeuquénAdriana Galarza, Secretary of Tourism of Villa El Chocón.

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After 6 p.m., hundreds of tourists arrived at El Chocón.

Thus, after 7 p.m., the 243 available beds in the city of dinosaurs had already been filled. “There was a time in the afternoon when many vehicles were seen driving to the Upper Valley side, surely it was to spend the night and see if they could continue their trip tomorrow,” she observed.

In this regard, he noted that reservations were made only on Thursday night.

Earlier, Julio Hernández, mayor of Piedra del Águila, said: “It is always complex to travel in these conditions. The truth is that tourists leave without anticipating the climate issue. Not much attention is given to it. The snowfall had been announced two days ago , but there are many people who still decided to travel, despite the recommendation not to do so. Some, upon arriving in Piedra, found the route very complicated and decided to return. There are buses and trucks stranded because traffic was suspended for this type of vehicle ( from Piedra to Alicurá).

Villa El Chocón snow storm 06/20/2024

Roads restricted circulation on the routes

Provincial Roads made the decision to prohibit vehicular circulation this Thursday due to the snow storm that prevails in the province, added to the accumulation and formation of ice on the roads. They asked motorists to comply with the measure and not make trips until further notice.

The measure will take effect starting at 8 p.m. this Thursday. “The circulation of all types of vehicles is restricted on provincial and national routes throughout the territory of the province of Neuquén due to the accumulation of snow and the formation of ice on the roads,” they reported in a statement.

For its part, the Secretariat of Emergencies and Risk Management recommended abiding by the measures taken by the competent organizations. This added to the suggestion of not traveling until further notice.

Finally, they asked to stay informed through official channels https://emergenciasyriesgos.neuquen.gov.ar.

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The 243 tourist places in Villa El Chocón were covered this Thursday between 6 and 7 p.m.

Recommendations to take into account to minimize accidents

  • Do not try to walk outdoors;
  • Get information on National Highways, the status of national and provincial routes, and roads;
  • Get information from the National Meteorological Service about forecasts and alert states;
  • Stay informed by the authorities.
  • It is requested to avoid driving on the shoulder, except in cases of extreme necessity.
  • Check the conditions of the vehicle: antifreeze, chains, lights, the height of the car and the road to travel.

Low temperatures and frost leave large patches of ice that are not visible, but can be fatal. Be careful in shady places on the routes and if there is any inconvenience, place the markers 50 or 60 meters from the car.

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