“Alberto” degrades to low remaining pressure, what does it mean for SLP? – The Sun of San Luis

“Alberto” degrades to low remaining pressure, what does it mean for SLP? – The Sun of San Luis
“Alberto” degrades to low remaining pressure, what does it mean for SLP? – The Sun of San Luis

The meteorological phenomenon “Albert” was demoted to Remnant Low Pressure stormbut it will continue to cause torrential rains in seven states of the Republic, including San Luis Potosí.

This was announced this Thursday afternoon from the National Water Comissionan instance that specified that the center of the phenomenon is located on land, 55 km north-northeast of Aguascalientes, with maximum sustained winds of 45 km/h, gusts of 65 km/h and movement towards the west at 39 km/h.

Although “Alberto” was degraded, rains could still occur that would affect the entity. Likewise, although the phenomenon has been degrading, in the coming days a new one could also develop in the Gulf of Mexico.

In our entity, Cenapred has it cataloged with Green Alert (Low Danger) in the Huasteca region; and in Blue Alert (Very Low Danger)in the West and Northwest of the state of San Luis Potosí.

While Conagua warns that the remaining low pressure will produce occasional torrential rains (150 to 250 mm) in our entity, as well as in the states of Coahuila, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Puebla, Veracruz and Oaxaca.

According to the State Coordination of State Civil Protectionin Ciudad Valles the report of a sinkhole in the Santa Rosa neighborhood was attended to, while the drainage collapsed in the Praderas del Río subdivision.

In the capital of Potosí there was significant flooding in Private of the Haciendaand support was provided for the removal of lighting cables in front of the Sand’s hotel, on the highway 57.

A horse got stuck in the mud in the municipality of Ponds and a tree fell on Cedral Boulevard.

It is recommended not to cross the road Ciudad Valles-El Naranjo At the height of Micos, there is no passage for small vehicles due to a landslide.

In the Metropolitan Area the first rains occurred during the first hours of this Thursday, and in the morning there were cloudy skies and wind gusts of between 40 and 60 kilometers per hour.

According to road reports It was a complicated morning in terms of vehicular traffic, especially on the roads that lead to the industrial zone; The lack of presence of the road police this Thursday was highlighted on social networks.

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They report some damage to SLP derived from the rain

Downed trees, out-of-service traffic lights, flooded bridges and car mishaps left as a balance the first hours of rain recorded this Thursday in the capital of Potosí.

The rainfall derived from Tropical Storm Alberto, which began to be abundant in the city shortly after 3:00 a.m., caused several quadrants to dawn flooded, including its bridges; A public transport truck and a vehicle were stranded on Río Españita Boulevard.

The above forced a deployment of elements of the Directorate of the capital’s Road and Mobility Police, who also intervened to help a taxi driver whose unit fell on a slope on Begonia Street and Moctezuma extension of the Pedroza neighborhood in the northern quadrant; This crossing was closed and flagged to avoid further incidents.

Regarding road accidents, it was reported that the majority were recorded due to range, so it was recommended to keep distance and turn on lights when driving in the rain; However, it was reported that on several cruise ships the traffic light system stopped working, so ground-to-ground elements were available to control traffic.

By 3:00 p.m., it was reported that the unevenness of the Manuel José Othón bridge, the Orange bridge in both directions, but the closure remained in españita river and on the slope of Sierra Vista.

Meanwhile, staff of the Public Toilet Coordination During the day, intensive cleaning and sweeping of sewers was carried out, with the aim of avoiding obstructions and flooding due to the accumulation of waste, as well as the collection of branches and pruning waste at various points, such as in the median of Joaquín Antonio Peñalosa Avenue .

Fallen trees were removed on Malaquita and Industrias streets and on Valentín Amador.

The intense rainfall also forced the mobilization of personnel from the delegation of Villa de Pozoswhich installed a permanent attention table with authorities from Civil Protection, the Mexican Army, emergencies, health, Conagua, and Interapas, to, in an inter-institutional manner, carry out preventive actions.

The delegate, Gerardo Ávila, said that for several days actions of rehabilitation and maintenance in the Las Mercedes and Los Silos lifts to avoid flooding in this part of the demarcation, where flooding occurs and these lifts are very useful to avoid this situation due to rainfall.

In the afternoon, the interim mayor, Alexandra Daniela Cid González, took a tour to supervise the operation of the pumps located in Villa de Pozos, derived from the rains recorded in recent hours due to tropical storm Alberto.

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