Ten Mendoza residents poisoned during the early hours of this Friday due to heating failures

Ten Mendoza residents poisoned during the early hours of this Friday due to heating failures
Ten Mendoza residents poisoned during the early hours of this Friday due to heating failures

Ten people from Mendoza were poisoned in the last hours due to various failures in the heating of their homes. Seven of them are minorsand there is concern because a cold front will set the tone for the coming days and cases could increase.

On the one hand, cFive children were poisoned in their home located at Barcelona Street No. 715, in Guaymallén. It was around midnight when the victims’ grandmother, after discovering that her youngest granddaughter was unresponsive, called 911 for help.

The Police arrived at the scene and interviewed the parents of the minors, who reported that They had lit a brazier and left it in the room where the children were sleeping, which caused carbon monoxide poisoning..

The victims have 2, 5, 9, 10 and 12 years and were transferred to Notti Hospital.

Danger. The image is a production, stoves are one of the most dangerous appliances due to carbon monoxide emissions. Even on the ground, you can react in time. Photo: Nicolás Galuya / Diario UNO.

Monoxide kills silently. The image is a reconstruction with actors.

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Another family affected by poisoning in Palmira

Hours after the first incident, at 02:31 on June 28, a family in Palmira suffered a similar poisoning at his home on Guevara Street No. 242. The 28th Police Station received an emergency call reporting that A family was unbalanced.

Upon arrival, police personnel interviewed the victims, who explained that The incident occurred after the family group finished bathing and left a screen connected to natural gas, which turned offcausing a gas leak.

Those affected, identified as Sergio Sebastián Pérez (32 years old), Micaela Lucero (21 years old), IP (11 years old), Milagros Lucero (23 years old) and DP (2 weeks), were transferred to the Perrupato Hospital.

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