31 years in prison for Iván Ramírez for forced disappearance –

Author: Lorena Zapata López

Photo : Social networks

Likewise, Lieutenant Colonel Fernando Blanco Gómez received the sentence.

The Plenary Chamber of the Superior Court of Bogotá sentenced retired general Iván Ramírez Quintero and lieutenant colonel Fernando Blanco Gómez to 31 years in prison for the forced disappearance of Irma Franco Pineda, a member of the M-19, during the retaking of the Palace of Justice on November 6 and 7, 1985.

The ruling in the second instance was issued after addressing the appeal of the Attorney General’s Office and the representatives of the victims, challenging the decision of the 51st criminal court of the Bogotá circuit issued on December 15, 2011.

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In this context, it is stated that there is sufficient evidence to convict the defendants, who participated as co-authors in the disappearance of Irma Franco, whose remains, to this day, remain missing, since they were not found in the building nor do they appear in the records of the National Institute of Legal Medicine.

As stated in the 413-page ruling: “The occurrence and materiality of the conduct displayed by the defendants, together with other soldiers, to attack, as they did, the individual freedom of the guerrilla Irma Franco Pineda, is duly demonstrated, therefore that, being typical, objective, as well as subjective, the conduct, in addition to being illegal and culpable, must be held criminally accountable for it.”

On the other hand, the Court also sent documents to the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate the cases of the students Yolanda Santodomingo and Eduardo Matson.

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