Work in Mendoza: a tab open to employment through Instagram

Work in Mendoza: a tab open to employment through Instagram
Work in Mendoza: a tab open to employment through Instagram

The Instagram account @job.en.mendoza, with more than 150,000 followers, publishes job ads daily, facilitating the job search. Many people have found job thanks to this platform created by Pablo Rey, who stopped by the studios of MDZ Radio 105.5 FM. How the social networks They can be effective tools to connect companies with workers, what the labor demand is, how the situation is perceived, when there were more warnings. King He referred to these issues in a pleasant interview.

First of all, Pablo Rey joined the slogan of the day in Let’s say everything by MDZ Radio: What was your first job? To which he said that he was an administrator in “a well-known supermarket in Mendoza, half a day, which allowed me to study at that time.” Rey came to Mendoza from the Chubut city of Comodoro Rivadavia in 2001. “I came to study and I stayed.”

The interviewee commented that, although “many people write to me and tell me that the pages are not useful”, his first job He got it online, “through some page that wasn’t one of the most famous. I don’t remember if it was OLX, I think I sent it on a Sunday afternoon and on Tuesday they called me.”

Regarding the birth of Job in Mendoza, he said that “it started in 2018. I was working at a dealership and they fired me in mid-October due to staff reduction. I started looking for a job like everyone else, through common pages like LinkedIn or Facebook where there are several groups.” “It caught my attention that on Instagram, which was a booming social network, there were no pages that did this. The few that there were, uploaded a notice every three to four days, they had no record,” Rey added and continued: “When I The madness of getting a job caught on, I was getting a little stressed and I looked for creating the page as a hobby. social networks, I had from Fotolog onwards. I created it as a ground wire.”

Pablo He assures that “at first I didn’t think it was going to work so much and that it was going to help so many people. I did it as a hobby, to do something for myself. I always say that it is a job look for job. It’s stressful and it hurts you at some point. That’s why I always say that you have to find a hobby, something to do, run, go to the gym, crafts, a language. Something to disconnect even if it’s just for a few hours. That’s why I started using this Instagram. Then one thing led to another, it began to become widespread and it became an achievement, it became relatively a job.”

However, it is not its main source of job but rather he dedicates “one, two or three hours to it, depending on how the day goes. Every day I upload at least one notice. Every day I receive messages and notices to publish. I think that since I started, every day I upload something “, said Pablo Rey who also responds to all the messages that come to him from both job seekers and companies that want to publish their ads. In that mood, “I didn’t imagine that I would get people to write to thank you. I wasn’t used to it, except for congratulations from my parents,” he commented with a laugh and added more details about these messages: “People who tell you ‘thank you I could get to your page job‘, ‘I was unemployed for 6 months, a year’, and some stories that are heavy and when they tell you, they send you a fairly large text and you say ‘crazy, this works’. It works, it excites you and makes you want to continue.” However, “more than once it has happened to me that they send you a message with some insult or some anger, and I understand that they get angry because they can’t get a job, but I don’t have the blame either.”

At the beginning of the project that was born as a hobby, Pablo commented that it was he himself who was looking for job offers. “I got into Facebook groups, Linkedin and all that because I didn’t have a flow of people. That took me a lot of time. Then luckily it started to move and people, anyone, send me, for example, a notice from a bar that is looking for waiters. “I contact the bar, I ask, I check,” he said and assured that “I always check all the searches. And now it has become a channel where companies, businesses, and consultants contact me. “They have relieved my workload a little so I can respond to messages, for example.”

As a thermometer of the situation that workers are experiencing in the country and, particularly, in Mendoza, Rey shared that in the first months of the year “a lot of people started following me. Double the number of people who followed me per month and “I didn’t get many more notices. Now they have started to arrive a little more compared to the last two months when it had been half stopped.” According to him, the demand is generally varied. Perhaps to highlight the gastronomic sector that “is always looking for people. Anything that is a waiter, a pastry chef, is an area that has a lot of turnover. I always thought it was like that, but now that I’m in it I’m surprised.” During the pandemic, for example, “there was a lot of demand for the systems sector. It exploited systems. A band came to me to work at their house. But now I don’t have any sector that catches my attention.”

Finally Pablo Rey, creator of @job.en.mendoza referred to the organization and costs of his pseudo job: “At first it was all free. I did it in a cool way. 2 years ago I started with the topic of coffees, which is optional and voluntary. I’ll publish it for you, if you want, you can collaborate and if not, the notice comes out the same.” And “I have tried to set schedules, I dedicate it to midday and the afternoon when I get home and then I try to relax.”

Listen to the full interview:

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