Of balls and needles: that patient art of the weavers is present again in Santa Fe

Of balls and needles: that patient art of the weavers is present again in Santa Fe
Of balls and needles: that patient art of the weavers is present again in Santa Fe

Friday 6/21/2024


Last update 8:22

The balls of wool, the needles, the crochet technique, the looms, the embroidery. And the hands, patiently knitting each stitch – since patience is an attribute in danger of extinction -, plus the gaze focused on the precision of the movement, the therapeutic nature of the craft. And that scarf, that pullover or that bootie for the newborn that you knitted is the starting point: now, let’s continue.

The old craft of weavers was updated thanks to an event held on the esplanade of the Santa Fe Council. Why did it return to its current and present status? Because Who does not remember a grandmother or a mother, under the shade of a vine, knitting clothes before the arrival of the cold for her children or grandchildren?. This is what is called generational transfer.

Crochet fabric, with the “crochet” needle. Credit: El Litoral Archive

And that fair also had the added value that it also dedicated itself to thinking about others: “Weaving Solidarity. Tribute to an ancestral tradition ”he brought together those people who have been dedicated to weaving for years. What was produced will be donated to two public good entities. There was teaching of the trade and live music, in addition to the mates shared fraternally.

Annual plan

“Since we presented the Annual Plan of the Presidency, we have organized various activities. We already had several forums, and now it was the turn of this social, cultural and solidarity fair,” the president of the Council, Adriana “Chuchi” Molina, told the press.

“There are many people who see knitting as a good job opportunity. Many women supported and continue to support their homes thanks to this ancestral practice that is inherited from grandmother to daughter, from aunt to niece. This is nothing more than a tribute to our weavers,” said councilor Silvina Cian (Interblock “Unidos…”), promoter of the initiative.

The story of “Chiki”

Asunción “Chiki” Aseguin is 70 years old, and has been a weaver for 50 years. How did she start? It happened that far away and long ago, the newspaper El Litoral allowed advertisements to be advertised for free for those who offered trades such as weaving, seamstress or dressmaker, painting, among many others. And “Chiki” placed her notice: that was perhaps her first work experience.

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“I remember it was Tuesday. El Litoral gave free classifieds to those of us who were doing jobs at that time. Better publicity than that I never had! I have great affection for the newspaper for that reason,” “Chiki” Aseguin recalls with affection and gratitude.

His mother knitted and of course, she taught him. They were her first weapons, even as a child. With two needles and crochet. Today she has a micro-business that for her is a job opportunity. She also teaches weaving classes and is constantly training in new techniques. She goes to courses in Buenos Aires and other cities.

Some of the products that were presented at the event: balls of wool and a pair of booties. Credit: Courtesy Council

“I honestly never thought that knitting could be an economic income for me and my husband today. Because handmade fabric is very fashionable. Especially due to the high costs of industrialized products,” she puts in context.


“Look, for me knitting is therapeutic,” Aseguin confesses. Furthermore, that therapeutic sense, of spiritual calm thanks to manual creation, becomes a social act. The thing is that he has his workshop where he teaches weaving classes, and people of all ages go there, even men (although the act of weaving seems to be something “exclusively feminine”). A round trip is formed for both those who learn and those who teach.

“A group of friends was formed, I would tell you. We don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate birthdays. We share experiences, the good and the bad. Sometimes we go out to share a beer, and while we talk and learn about weaving,” says “Chiki.” So, around the practice of weaving, a communion of people is formed.

Dolls and wool hats, also presented on the Council esplanade. Everything will be donated to two charities. Credit: Courtesy Council

And since everything is so expensive, the “Chiki team” makes wool garments for the children, grandchildren, babies, nephews. “This way we save, because prices in clothing stores are through the roof. In addition, things that, for example, were made at the Council event, will be donated. There are people who need them,” says the weaver.

The techniques

Over the years, Aseguin dedicated herself to learning various weaving techniques. “I can’t stay still, I’m going to Buenos Aires to take courses. That’s how I learned, for example, stone embroidery, tapestries on looms… Everything,” says the woman.

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-What are the keys to good fabric? Patience, precision, calculation, for example, regardless of the garment being knitted? El Litoral asked “Chiki” Aseguin.

-All that, but also always train. Learn more and more. Don’t settle for what you know. There is always someone who can teach you. It is something that must be sought permanently. Other keys: neatness, cleanliness, final presentation.

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