Fedescesar scholarships and investments in the UPC will be expanded

Ratifying her commitment to higher education in Cesar, Governor Elvia Milena Sanjuan Dávila announced expanding the benefits of Fedescesar, in addition to supporting the more than 15,000 students of the Popular University of Cesar, UPC, with food and school routes.

This was stated by the president after holding a meeting with the rector of the Popular University of Cesar, Rober Romero Ramírez, with whom she discussed the projects by the Cesar Government to also build a postgraduate block for the Hurtado headquarters, and another laboratory block for the Sabanas del Valle campus, in Valledupar; as well as the construction of sports venues at the Aguachica headquarters.

“We are faced with the need to reconsider the issue of Fedescesar, the national gratuity has brought some implications and we already have it on the table, in a week we must have the technical study that determines how we bring the new vision of Fedescesar; This continues to leave standing the commitment that we established to support our children when they arrive at the Popular University of Cesar, with school meals and school routes,” said Governor Elvia Milena Sanjuan.

He also noted that “we want to share with Cesar that together with the rector Rober Romero Ramírez we will accelerate the progress of the studies and designs of the postgraduate block of the Popular University of Cesar, of the laboratory block in Valledupar; and the sports venues of the Aguachica headquarters, we hope that 2025 will be the year of achievements, of laying the first stones and starting works to continue demonstrating to Cesar that for us, education is unstoppable.”

The rector of the Popular University of Cesar, Rober Romero Ramírez, indicated that “we are very pleased to be able to announce that Governor Elvia Milena Sanjuan, with the clarity that characterizes her, has ratified her commitment to higher education, and specifically with the Popular University of Cesar. Cesar has ratified the proposals of his government program regarding the construction of a block for the Hurtado headquarters, as well as the construction and provision of a block for laboratories at the Sabanas del Valle headquarters, as well as support for a sports venues at the Aguachica headquarters.”

He considered it an important bet that the president has accepted the proposal to review the draft ordinance that regulates the Fedescesar scholarships. “This in the sense of reducing some restrictions that exist with the purpose of allowing us to expand the benefits of this beautiful program in which the Government of Cesar has been contributing to the training of young people from this department and other residents in this territory” , he pointed out.

The rector of the UPC, Robert Romero, held a working table with the governor of Cesar, Elvia Milena Sanjuán, with whom they agreed on important projects for the benefit of students.

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