The 20 largest companies in Cali and Valle del Cauca in 2023

The Superintendency of Companies has published its annual report highlighting the 20 largest companies in Cali and Valle del Cauca in 2023. This report highlights the diversity and magnitude of the business sector in the region, covering industries such as services, manufacturing, commerce and agriculture.

Topping the list is CELSIA COLOMBIA SAESPwith income of $5,478,062,000, followed by Municipal Companies of Cali EICE ESP with $3,331,972,578 and Tecnochemicals SA with $3,039,820,490. These companies not only dominate their respective sectors, but are also crucial to regional economic development.

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Among the prominent manufacturing companies are Colombina SA in Zarzal, with income of $2,828,890,000, and Italcol de Oeste SA in Palmira, with $2,534,177,893. The commerce sector also shows a strong presence with South America Comercial SAS, which recorded revenues of $2,422,498,980. In services, they stand out Western Gases SAESP and Lili Valley Foundationwith income of $1,743,208,108 and $1,456,431,932 respectively.

Because it is important: This SuperSociedades report not only provides an overview of the financial performance of the region’s largest companies, but also highlights their crucial role in the local and national economy. These companies generate employment, drive innovation and contribute significantly to the country’s GDP.

Details: The report classifies companies according to their revenue, highlighting CELSIA COLOMBIA SAESP as the undisputed leader in the services sector, while Colombina SA and Italcol de Oeste SA They are prominent in manufacturing. In addition, the industrial diversity of the region is highlighted with companies in sectors such as commerce, agriculture and telecommunications.

Context: Valle del Cauca is a strategic region for Colombia due to its geographical location and its logistics infrastructure. This favorable environment has allowed many businesses to prosper and expand, thereby strengthening the regional and national economy. Industrial diversity and access to international markets through the port of Buenaventura are key factors for the success of these companies.

General view: The SuperSociedades report is a vital tool to understand business dynamics in Valle del Cauca. With leading companies in various sectors, the region is positioned as an important economic center in Colombia. The strength and growth of these companies not only drive local development, but also contribute to the country’s global competitiveness.

The Superintendency of Companies has published its annual report highlighting the 20 largest companies in Cali and Valle del Cauca in 2023. This report highlights the diversity and magnitude of the business sector in the region, covering industries such as services, manufacturing, commerce and agriculture. .

Largest companies in Cali and Valle del Cauca in 2023 according to SuperSociedades

Topping the list is CELSIA COLOMBIA SAESPwith income of $5,478,062,000, followed by Municipal Companies of Cali EICE ESP with $3,331,972,578 and Tecnochemicals SA with $3,039,820,490. These companies not only dominate their respective sectors, but are also crucial to regional economic development.

Among the prominent manufacturing companies are Colombina SA in Zarzal, with income of $2,828,890,000, and Italcol de Oeste SA in Palmira, with $2,534,177,893. The commerce sector also shows a strong presence with South America Comercial SAS, which recorded revenues of $2,422,498,980. In services, they stand out Western Gases SAESP and Lili Valley Foundationwith income of $1,743,208,108 and $1,456,431,932 respectively.

The list is complete by Suramérica Comercial SAS, Colgate Palmolive, Pollos El Bucanero, Cartón de Colombia SA, Harinera del Valle SA, Riopaila Castilla SA, Ingredion Colombia SA, Entidad Promotora de Salud Western Health Service EPS SOS SA, Ingenio del Cauca SAS , Avidesa de Oeste SA, Energy and Telecommunications Cables SAS, Ingenio Providencia SA, Fábrica Nacional de Autopartes Fanalca SA

Photo: SuperSociedades

Because it is important: This SuperSociedades report not only provides an overview of the financial performance of the region’s largest companies, but also highlights their crucial role in the local and national economy. These companies generate employment, drive innovation and contribute significantly to the country’s GDP.

Details: The report classifies companies according to their revenue, highlighting CELSIA COLOMBIA SAESP as the undisputed leader in the services sector, while Colombina SA and Italcol de Oeste SA They are prominent in manufacturing. In addition, the industrial diversity of the region is highlighted with companies in sectors such as commerce, agriculture and telecommunications.

Context: Valle del Cauca is a strategic region for Colombia due to its geographical location and its logistical infrastructure. This favorable environment has allowed many businesses to prosper and expand, thereby strengthening the regional and national economy. Industrial diversity and access to international markets through the port of Buenaventura are key factors for the success of these companies.

General view: The SuperSociedades report is a vital tool to understand business dynamics in Valle del Cauca. With leading companies in various sectors, the region is positioned as an important economic center in Colombia. The strength and growth of these companies not only drive local development, but also contribute to the country’s global competitiveness.

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For more details on Colombia’s largest companies in 2023, see the full SuperSociedades report.

Read also: Reficar and Bavaria command the largest companies in the manufacturing sector

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