Farmers highlighted that Anserma does taste like coffee, manager visited Caldas’ grandmother

Farmers highlighted that Anserma does taste like coffee, manager visited Caldas’ grandmother
Farmers highlighted that Anserma does taste like coffee, manager visited Caldas’ grandmother


A protocol signing was made yesterday the management of the Coffee Growers Federation, the Caldas Coffee Growers Committee and the Anserma Mayor’s Office to promote infrastructure and strengthen productive projects in that region.

The agreement was signed by the manager of the Federation of Coffee Growers, Germán Bahamón Jaramillo; the director of the Committee, Natalia Yepes Jaramillo, and the mayor of Anserma, Ómar Reina, for an amount close to $3 billion.

The commitment includes resources for fingerprint plates, maintenance of roads, aqueducts, renovation of coffee plantations, fertilization, and promotion of events such as the second fair: Anserma tastes like coffee, and the second roasted coffee contest.

At the meeting it was highlighted that the well-known grandmother of Caldas is the municipality that is investing the most resources in the incentive agreement for the renewal of coffee plantations with fertilizers and new promotion plans.

Even Reina asked the manager to set up a Juan Valdez café in the municipality to continue highlighting the quality of the grain and a refrigeration plant in the Margaritas area.

This is part of the project that Federacafé is studying so that the grain that is collected from some areas of the country for export does not have to make such long journeys to be preserved nor does it always have to reach areas such as the Letras sector, on the borders of Caldas and the Tolima.

Manager of the Federation of Coffee Growers, Germán Bahamón Jaramillo.

Support for the sector

In space, the president of the Caldas Coffee Growers Committee, Marcelo Salazar Velásquez, He stated that “Caldas has contributed with generosity, commitment and leadership to the construction of the Federation of Coffee Growers, the most important institution in the agricultural and livestock sector in the country.” He highlighted the pride and defense of the Federation and the coffee institutions, because the development of the department has been built with them.

His call was made, given the series of criticisms and questions that the National Government sector continues to receive.

The leader also reiterated that “there is no more effective social development model in Colombia than what Federacafé has done, nor a coffee village that has not been reached by the helping hand of the extension service to apply crop science and technology or the implementation of any project formulated by the sector”.

The nearly 450 coffee growers who attended 24 municipal committees of Caldas applauded and highlighted the support of the union and its democratic management. In addition, its support in the construction of communication routes, rural electrification, education and educational infrastructure, basic sanitation, rural aqueducts, health and connectivity and the internet.

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