Juan Carlos de Pablo explained why more investments do not arrive in Argentina and the advantage that Caputo has in making decisions

In this framework, he minimized the anticipated celebration in the markets with the dollar and the rise in stocks in New York. “All of these are rationalizations for one side and for the other, I don’t give any thought to those who speak of one side. The world of rationalizations is not useful for making decisions. The first thing you have to look at is a counter, you have to first look at what is happening to you and why you think it is happening to you, what is happening to you. Second, look at what happens to those who are in the same sector as you,” he explained.

De Pablo also did not recommend not seeing beyond the day to day. “When someone tells you ‘how do you see September?’, I don’t see next week. Let’s stop messing around, this is absolutely fluid”responded in dialogue with Radio Con Vos, and referred to the stabilization plan, the anti-inflationary plan is not a plan

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Juan Carlos De Pablo revealed what is the only tool that Javier Milei clings to. “There is no money in this and that’s it, let everyone qualify it however they want,” he said.

“Everyone talks about recession. He INDEC Last week he said in both industry and construction seasonally adjusted April was better than March. FAITHFUL He just said with the same criteria, May was better than April, although that month gives you a negative result. What we are seeing is whether this begins to turn around or not, the rule is heterogeneous. You talk to the mining sector and they are celebrating, the guy who sells blenders wants to kill himself,” he analyzed.

The economist reiterated that in economic policy we must have the “concrete things” which are the laws, decrees, resolutions and communications, and asked to downplay the importance of the statements. “The rest doesn’t matter to me,” said.

Furthermore, De Pablo assured what is the only tool that the Javier Milei. “The President has no governors or mayors, he has few senators, few deputies, few economic policy instruments, that is why he clings to the fiscal balance, because he does not have an alternative. It is as if you were on a sailboat in the middle of the Río la Plata, with a terrifying storm and your rudder and sail broke and you are clinging to the only thing you have: There is no money in this and that’s it, let everyone qualify it however they want.“, held.

“The President talks about substantive things when he tells legislators: ‘you get to vote for any law that compromises the fiscal balance, I veto it’, and if he has to veto it, what he has to do. The thing is like this, this is not from the Austrian School, this is from a grocer, with the forgiveness of the grocers, but also asked for those two objectives that he clings to, let’s say like the air he needs to breathe. “He is close to achieving it,” estimated the specialist, author of several books, who recently presented the latest “The Kitchen of Argentine economic policy” (Ed. Sudamericana) in co-authorship with Ezequiel Burgo.


Along these lines, he celebrated the slowdown in price increases and the anti-inflationary effect. “The inflation rate was 25% monthly, then 20%, 15%, when now it was 4.2%. I have no problem if the June inflation rate is 6%. I don’t know if from a political point of view he wants to kill himself, or what would be worse, They begin to freeze for fear of thinking that May’s 4.2% is the ceiling. Today you have a systematic fall, it is evident that the anti-inflationary fight has caused a phenomenal fall in the inflation rate,” he stressed.

When asked about the arrival of new capitals due to the approval of the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI), De Pablo assured that everything is always latent in Argentina. “They tell me ‘assure me that Cristina does not return in 2027’, and I am the one to assure you that. God created entrepreneurs so that they think little and do a lot, and thank goodness. If Mr. Tesla comes here it is not because Milei finds it funny, but because it is a business opportunity.”he clarified.

Along these lines, he explained why fewer investments arrive in the country. “They come here to set up a car factory until they complete the paperwork, get the land, build the factory, and when four years pass, this man, who everyone says is very intelligent, is he going to make a real investment conditional on me? remove the trap? In four years we Argentines took out the trap, we put it in, we take it out, we put it in. What is the problem? Based on the same uncertainties that we generate ourselves, any national or foreign investor to make an investment has in mind an expected rate of return higher than that of a more stable country. For this reason, there are fewer investments than would be expected in a more stable country, that is Argentina.”he stated.

When mentioning his latest book and comparing other economic periods from Arturo Frondizi to Mieli, De Pablo said that the President “beyond the fact that he is an economist by profession or style” he is “really convinced of what he does.”

“I am not in the meetings where (Luis) Caputo is with the President, so I do not know how they design economic policy, but I can tell you based on the experience that is included in that book that a Economy Minister that does not have a President behind it to support it is in serious difficulties. It’s an elementary thing. Caputo is encouraged to say things and do things because he has Milei behind him.”, he stressed.

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