Is it convenient to cross to Cipolletti to load up on gasoline?

Is it convenient to cross to Cipolletti to load up on gasoline?
Is it convenient to cross to Cipolletti to load up on gasoline?

What will happen in Cipolletti? For now, the Road Tax does not have a date. The Mayor Rodrigo Buteler He assured that the priority lies in the new tender for public transportation, whose project is not yet ready. Buteler assured that the city must, first, re-award the service that Pehuenche currently provides – without a contract – and then establish the financing mechanism.


The price distortion in the Road Tax could generate queues of vehicles to fill up with gasoline in cheaper locations.

Neuquén and Centenario will begin to collect this tax starting next Monday, June 24, after the regulation of the ordinances and subsequent notification to service stations. But not all of the cities in the Upper Valley are on the same page to start collection on the same day.

Road Tax: price, savings and travel… food for thought

Now… is it advisable to cross the bridge to fill the tank with cheaper gasoline? The calculations made for the 4.5% increase in the net value of a liter of super gasoline indicate that 25 pesos more will be paid per liter and around 1250 pesos per tankin the case of a standard car.

That is to say, the savings (discounting the round trip to Cipolletti, which can be around 700 pesos depending on the vehicle) could be minimal, no more than 600 pesos. It’s not even worth an alfajor in a kiosk.

However, the impact that the announcement of each fuel increase has on people is notable. YesLines of vehicles form on the days when prices change, and it would not be unusual for a flood of vehicles to be generated at the service stations in Cipolletti.

The Road Tax was implemented with the objective of raising funds for the improvement of road infrastructure and the maintenance of provincial routes. But this new tax that will raise the price of fuel at Neuquén service stations could generate a significant price distortion.


The Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, ordered to freeze taxes on gasoline.

Cipolletti: will there be queues for “cheap gasoline”?

The gap becomes more interesting for those drivers who must load large amounts of fuel, such as transporters and frequent travelers, making the savings considerable on each load.

The savings (discounting the round trip to Cipolletti, which can be around 700 pesos depending on the vehicle) could be minimal, no more than 600 pesos. It’s not even worth an alfajor in a kiosk.

In addition, the increase in traffic in Cipolletti could bring other problems, such as congestion at service stations and at the entrances to the Rio Negro city. But it’s just a hypothesis.

For now, loading gas at Cipolletti is presented as an economically advantageous alternative for Neuquén motorists. But the long-term effects of this measure and the responses of local and provincial governments will be decisive. Will there be a strategy to maintain a common price for gasoline in the region?

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