a dazzling but dangerous winter spectacle

When temperatures drop below freezing and humidity reaches high levels, a fascinating and potentially dangerous winter phenomenon known as freezing fog.

As described by specialists from the National Metereological Service, This fog, although it is in a liquid state at temperatures below zero, freezes upon contact with solid surfaces, creating a layer of thin ice needles that covers everything in its path.

What is freezing fog?

The freezing fog It is characterized by being composed of small water droplets in a liquid state at temperatures below zero. Upon touching any surface, such as soil, plant leaves, or even structures, these droplets freeze instantly, forming shiny, pointed ice crystals that slowly accumulate.

These delicate crystals, known as chiselledresemble fine needles that can be easily shaken and extracted from objects.

A beautiful and dangerous phenomenon

Although the chiselled creates a dreamlike winter landscape, covering the environment with a layer of sparkling crystals, it also brings dangers. Ice can make roads and sidewalks extremely slippery, increasing the risk of accidents.

Additionally, ice buildup on electrical wiring can cause power outages, impacting communities.

Captured in Río Gallegos

SMN specialists from the Río Gallegos meteorological station documented this phenomenon on the night of June 20, 2024. With a temperature of -15 °C, a thermal sensation of -20 °C, a humidity of 100% and calm winds , conditions were ideal for the formation of freezing fog.

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