how they overcame obstacles and became recognized

how they overcame obstacles and became recognized
how they overcame obstacles and became recognized

Ediciones UAH presented its new book “Scientific Women in Chile” by the authors Pamela Herrera and Javiera Soto, both professors at the Faculty of Education (FED), who, based on their training and experience in didactics, seek to make visible the role that women have had in the scientific field at the national level.

Composed of biographies of seven female scientists, the book is aimed mainly at science teachers with an interest in incorporating the gender perspective in their teaching, and who in turn seek to provide tools to motivate girls and young people to become interested in science.

In addition, it includes an analysis of the school curriculum, linking the learning objectives with the research lines of scientists.

“By exploring their experiences, we delve into the complexity of their work and the ways they have overcome various obstacles and achieved recognition in their respective disciplines,” the authors comment.

After the presentation, a panel was held made up of Teresa Rojas and Ana María Herrera, academics from the Faculty of Education; Paloma Ávila, journalist and director of CNN Futuro; Mariangela De Rosas, representing the Ministry of Education, and Teresa Vernal, academic at the U. Andrés Bello, who reflected on the gender gap in scientific production in Chile, despite advances in public policies and promotion in science , technology, engineering and mathematics, STEM (for its acronym in English).


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