A drug gang fell with gendarmes and police involved

A drug gang fell with gendarmes and police involved
A drug gang fell with gendarmes and police involved

A successful investigative work by the National Gendarmerie in the region concluded with 12 simultaneous raids within the framework of a narcotics case (Law 23,737), where a large drug organization was dismantled, where several people were arrested, including members of the federal force and Chaco Police.

The operations were carried out in the “Villa del Oeste” neighborhood, in the city of Resistencia, by the National Gendarmerie personnel after an extensive investigation into drug sales bunkers.

They ended with great success, with more than 2,800 kilos of cocaine, 4,500 doses of narcotics ready for sale, $24 million, 4 thousand US dollars, two firearms with filed numbers, five high-end vehicles, six motorcycles and relevant documentation for the cause.

As part of the investigation, the leader of the organization, known as “Huguito,” was arrested, whose home was the operations center where not only narcotic substances (cocaine) but also large sums of cash and weapons were found. of fire with filed numbers, making clear the high level of sophistication and danger of the criminal organization, who also had information from members of the police and security forces.

In this sense, members of the federal force and a member of the Chaco Police (who is a fugitive) were arrested, for whom an arrest warrant is pending.

The investigation, carried out by Federal Court No. 1, led by Dr. Zunilda Niremperger, with the intervention of the Federal Prosecutor’s Office of Chaco, led by Dr. Patricio Sabadini.

The seizure of large sums of money and high-end vehicles demonstrates the enormous economic benefits that drug trafficking generates and the scale on which these organizations operate.

This successful operation not only represents a significant blow to drug trafficking in the province of Chaco and the region, since not only 12 “bunkers” were dismantled, but also their “supplier” of the substance and all the evidence, sending a clear message about the determination of the Judicial authorities to eradicate organized crime.


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