Preventive Early Warning updated due to the possibility of tornadoes on the coast of Los Ríos

Preventive Early Warning updated due to the possibility of tornadoes on the coast of Los Ríos
Preventive Early Warning updated due to the possibility of tornadoes on the coast of Los Ríos

Likewise, early warning due to probable storms on the coast was canceled.

According to information provided by the Chilean Meteorological Directorate (DMC), the following meteorological warnings are in force for the Los Ríos Region:

  • Probable development of convective clouds with tornadic characteristics on the coast, between Friday, June 21 and Saturday, June 22.
  • Normal to moderate frosts in the foothills, for Tuesday, June 25.

It should be noted that during this day the Meteorological Warning that predicted probable electrical storms on the coast, coastal mountain range, valley and foothills of the region was canceled, due to the weakening of the conditions that caused it.

Additionally, Sernageomin, through updating its Technical Minute for Danger of Mass Removals, indicates that the possibility of occurrence of mass removals is drops throughout the region the region.

In consideration of this background and in coordination with the Regional Presidential Delegation of Los Ríos, the Regional Directorate of Senapred, updates the Regional Preventive Early Warning for meteorological events, which remains in force from June 18, 2024 and until conditions warrant it.

The updating of this alert constitutes a state of strengthening surveillance, through precise and rigorous monitoring of risk conditions and the respective vulnerabilities associated with the threat, coordinating and activating the National Disaster Prevention and Response System with the in order to act in a timely manner in possible emergency situations.

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