More than 200 teenagers faced beatings and stabbings in a Tortuguitas shopping center: four injured

At least four teenagers ended up with injuries of varying degrees this Saturday afternoon when participating in a violent fight between two antagonistic gangs in a shopping center in the Buenos Aires town of Tortuguitas.

The incident, which left one detained for the moment, occurred in the «Turtles Open Mall», located at kilometer 36 of the Pan-American Highway, where young people confronted each other in the food court, filled by the presence of other people.

During the brawl, four teenagers suffered cut injuries after suffering a knife attack: a 14-year-old boy, with a cut wound to his left wrist; a minor under 16, with a back injury; another 15-year-old boy, with cuts to the abdomen and right leg, and another 16-year-old boy, who suffered a stab wound to the abdomen.

In the middle of the scuffle, some locals lowered their blinds, while many customers left the place to be safe from the attack.

When the police arrived at the shopping center, after warning calls from merchants and visitors, the officers They managed to subdue one of the attackerswho had a kitchen knife.

The confrontation took place in the context of the so-called ‘Juntada pilchera’, which had been convened through social networks and had brought together about 200 young people.

The UFI Juvenil on duty, from the San Martín district, and Police Station No. 3 of Malvinas Argentinas, were in charge of the investigation.

With information from Noticias Argentinayes


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