Shooting attack leaves two councilors from Mosquera, Nariño, in Bogotá injured

Shooting attack leaves two councilors from Mosquera, Nariño, in Bogotá injured
Shooting attack leaves two councilors from Mosquera, Nariño, in Bogotá injured

Two citizens who They left the La Picota prison In Bogotá they were victims of a gun attack on the afternoon of June 23. The victims, Alexy Olmedo Perlaza36 years old, and Edwin Garces Pineda40 years old, who were hit by multiple gunshots and immediately taken to La Victoria hospital.

Lieutenant Colonel Óscar Landazabal, operational commander of Citizen Security No. 1 of the Bogotá Metropolitan Police, reported that the injured were visiting a detainee when the attack occurred. According to him she said, “The first medical reports indicate that both patients are stable.”

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Alexy Olmedo Perlaza He suffered a gunshot wound to the right thigh, which resulted in a fracture of the femur. He was admitted to the hospital at 4:26 p.m. and is stable. Edwin Garcés Pineda was shot in the abdomen, arm and right leg. Right now, He is in surgery rooms and is also reported stable.

Both injured people are councilors of the municipality of Mosquera, Nariño, which adds a worrying dimension to the attack.

Police investigation units are working to clarify the facts and capture those responsible. Landazabal highlighted that “These facts are the subject of investigation” and assured that all the necessary investigations are being carried out to find the perpetrators of the attack.

The attack has generated a wave of concern and expectation in the community, especially in the municipality of Mosquera, Nariño, where the victims come from. The Police continue to collect information and request the collaboration of citizens to provide any information that may be useful in research.


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