El Copey councilor claims his seat

El Copey councilor claims his seat
El Copey councilor claims his seat

In the elections of October 29, Assad Raish Gamez was elected mayor of The Copey, surpassing Delkis Fernandez Pereiracandidate for the U party and who took second place.

By opposition status, Delkis Fernandez He had a seat in the city ​​Council of The CopeyTherefore, on November 1st of last year, the municipality’s Scrutinizing Commission issued him the credential.

Nevertheless, Delkis Fernandez She submitted a resignation alleging that armed groups had threatened her. “That same day, November 1, 2023, after armed actors visited my brother-in-law Francisco Meza Altamar, demanding that I withdraw from the council, I presented my resignation from said seat, an action that I carried out after the 24 hours indicated. in the norm, when said scrutiny commission had already declared me a councilor,” Delkis said in a letter to the Ombudsman’s Office.

In the letter, it states that such resignation was not valid, “under the understanding that a right had materialized that has generated, as a consequence, the obligation for the citizen to take possession of such dignity.”

Following the concept that there was no validity in his resignation, he presented himself to the Council on January 4 of this year to take office as a councilor for the period 2024-2027. However, he did not have access to speak nor was he assigned a seat.

In its place it was possessed Delsy Cecilia Castro Manjarrez, who died last May at the age of 49, due to a terminal illness. To fill the vacancy, the Council appointed Rober Alexander Guerrafourth in the voting Radical change.


Councilman Franklin Ariza assured that he did not take office Delkis because she presented a letter of non-acceptance, renouncing her seat.

“Based on the law, on January 4, the list of honorable councilors dictated by E-26, issued by the Municipal Registry on page 18, was given possession, where it dictates the names of the honorable councilors to be inaugurated and does not appear Delkis Fernandez”; added the corporation.


Since he was denied possession, Delkis Fernandez has submitted applications to the authorities. In the first instance, the Promiscuous Municipal Court of Bosconia He was denied the constitutional protection that he had requested through a guardianship, a decision that was ratified in the second instance by the Second Criminal Court of the Circuit with Judgment Function of Valledupar.

However, last week, following a request from the General Secretariat of the U party, the National Electoral Council decided to take cognizance and study the case of the former candidate.

This seat is key because currently the coalition close to the mayor Assad Raish Gamez It has the majority with 7 of the 13 councilors. If Delkis Fernández manages to take office, the opposition would become the majority. Fernandez she is sister-in-law of Francisco Mezaformer mayor from El Copey. His political group obtained 6 councilors in the October elections, but they lost control of the municipal mayor’s office.

By Deivis Caro

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