«In Spain there has been no territorial equality for forty years»

«In Spain there has been no territorial equality for forty years»
«In Spain there has been no territorial equality for forty years»

Monday, June 24, 2024, 09:20

A round of applause for the schoolchildren who have just finished their course and a slap on the wrist for those who denounced that there were going to be big bottles in Felipe VI Park.

  1. About bullying and education

“Harassment or ‘bullying’ in children has serious consequences in the short, medium and long term,” introduces the first communicator and refers to the “important consequences while increasing their fear of social relationships because they feel like victims.” . “In adolescence and adulthood – he adds – they present very high rates of mental health disorders and risk of suicide.” “Therefore, I believe that the educational administration must turn its attention to trying to avoid this harassment that is increasing every day.” In his opinion, “neither the management teams nor the teaching staff are aware of it. They don’t make an effort, I don’t know if it’s due to laziness or lack of vocation. And their bosses, instead of reporting, cover up so as not to create alarm.

  1. Territorial equality does not exist

“Counselor Domínguez has warned that the pact with Catalonia breaks equality,” the reader reports. «Well look, I don’t agree because there hasn’t been equality for forty years. “Navarra and the Basque Country have their jurisdictions and quotas,” he says. Next, the question is asked if there is equality in the inheritance tax, for example, in Asturias or in Madrid and, in the same way, if there is equality in health, in education, in social services… There are rich communities and poor communities. The Extremadura train derails, burns or stops. There is no equality. So what difference does it make if equality with the Catalans or the others is broken… Here we are heading towards a federal republic like the German one,” concludes the reader.

  1. Murrieta Square and María Zambrano

The following communicator considers that Murrieta Square was left “fantastic by the previous government team with plants and flowers” and the same thing happens – according to what she says – on Murrieta Street and María Zambrano Street. On this street – he clarifies – “it has gone backwards” and the reason, it seems, is that “they replaced the traffic light on this street and Portugal Avenue where there is little movement of vehicles and pedestrians.” He concludes by urging the municipal government team to do something: “Let’s see what this team does that we can’t see anything.”

  1. Congratulations to all the students

The reader wants to convey her congratulations to the Rioja students. «Many congratulations to all our students who have passed another course and, especially, to those who have completed a stage of teaching. Completing Kindergarten, Primary or Baccalaureate means living very exciting moments. Enjoy the rest.

  1. Those protests at the Vara de Rey knot

“At the gates of the inauguration of the Princesa Leonor Park at the Vara de Rey junction,” says the last communicator, “where are those demonstrations that predicted traffic jams and lack of agility in the coming and going of cars.” The reader remembers that “they removed that tunnel and it seemed like it was going to be almost the end of the world.” «Now – he comments – we find an extraordinary and beautiful square. The neighbors will no longer protest »and he takes the opportunity to draw attention to certain politicians who manage the neighbors and they let themselves be led like sheep.

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«A bad choice for Summer Square?»

In the Plaza de Verano, next to the Primero de Mayo in Logroño, there are “specimens of Mahona aquifolium.” “They have been planted about three months ago and are dry, unusable for the function for which they were chosen,” says a reader. «They were put in some other park with the same result. Lack of care, irrigation or a bad choice of the area or the wrong soil », he concludes.

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