Temperatures drop; to get blankets and sweaters! A cold front arrives this Monday in Santa Cruz

Temperatures drop; to get blankets and sweaters! A cold front arrives this Monday in Santa Cruz
Temperatures drop; to get blankets and sweaters! A cold front arrives this Monday in Santa Cruz

A considerable drop in temperatures Minimum temperatures are expected in Santa Cruz starting this Monday, June 24, according to the report by agrometeorologist Luis Alpire, known as the “Lord of the Climate.”

According to the expert, the income of a dry cold front, coming from the south, will cause a notable decrease in thermometers in the coming days, which will reach 12°C in the Andrés Ibáñez and Norte Integrated provinces; 5°C in the Santa Cruz Valleys, 7°C in the Cordillera and 11°C in Chiquitania.

This cold front will spread until noon on Thursday the 27th. During these days, skies will be cloudy with the possibility of light showers in some areas.

Starting Thursday afternoon, winds will shift to a northerly direction and weather conditions will temporarily improve. However, On the weekend the cold front will return, and will bring with it strong southerly currents, and rains in most of the department, except in the Germán Bush and Ángel Sandoval provinces.

Details by region

Andrés Ibáñez and Norte Integrated:

Temperatures between 12°C and 29°C. Winds from the north, with gusts of more than 60 km/h, on Friday. Rain is expected over the weekend.

Santa Cruz Valleys:

Temperatures are forecast between 5°C and 25°C. As for the winds, they will blow from the north with gusts of up to 40 km/h on Thursday. There will be drizzle on Monday, and rain on the weekend.

Mountain range:

Temperatures will range from 7°C to 31°C, while winds will blow from the north with gusts of more than 70 km/h on Friday. Forecast: light rain on Monday and precipitation on the weekend


In this area temperatures will range between 11°C and 34°C. There will be northerly winds, with gusts exceeding 50 km/h, especially on Friday. Rains are expected this weekend, only in the provinces: Chiquitos, Guarayos, Nuflo de Chávez and Velasco

The drought worsens in Chiquitania

Agrometeorologist Luis Alpire also pointed out that the drought in Chiquitania has worsened due to the absence of significant rain since April 12.

Added to this is the El Niño phenomenon, which caused high temperatures from July 2023 to March of this year, and the irregular distribution of rainfall recorded in the region.

As a result of the drought, forest fires have been anticipated and winter planting has been affected, with a decrease in the number of hectares cultivated with sunflower, wheat, corn and sorghum.

Alpire warned that the situation could get even worse in the coming weeks, since no rain is expected in the Germán Bush and Ángel Sandoval provinces, and the southern cold front will deepen the dryness of the environment.

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Santa Cruz

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