From the Aysén Seremi of Labor and Social Welfare they invite discussions on the Karin Law

From the Aysén Seremi of Labor and Social Welfare they invite discussions on the Karin Law
From the Aysén Seremi of Labor and Social Welfare they invite discussions on the Karin Law

The conversation will be led by Seremi Rodrigo Díaz, Labor Directorate, SUSESO and the Labor Safety Institute, providing information prior to the entry into force of the Karin Law, on August 1, 2024.
Coyhaique.- This August 1, Law 21,643 comes into force, an initiative of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, promulgated by President Gabriel Boric in January 2024 and which modifies the Labor Code and other legal bodies, regarding prevention, investigation and sanction of workplace, sexual harassment or violence at work.
To disseminate the law and some of its aspects – such as the prevention protocol that companies and institutions must have – the Seremi of Labor and Social Welfare of Aysén together with the Directorate of Labor, SUSESO and the Institute of Social Welfare are organizing a series of talks in the four provincial capitals.
Regarding the new norm, the Seremi of Labor and Social Welfare, Rodrigo Díaz Cordaro, explained, “The Karin Law was born from the ratification of ILO Convention 190 by Chile, and from the tragic death of a health care professional. health in the Ñuble Region. Through this new regulation, our commitment as a Government to dignified treatment and decent work is reaffirmed, this is an organizational cultural change, where we must all become part. For this reason, together with the Directorate of Labor, the Superintendence of Social Security, SUSESO and the Institute of Labor Security, ISL, we will review the most important aspects of the law, the SUSESO circular and the Opinion of the Directorate of Labor, taking into account Keep in mind that this law is of interest to both workers and employers in the private, municipal and public sectors. We are waiting for you at the talks that we are organizing in the four provincial capitals of the Aysén Region, starting this Tuesday, June 25, in Coyhaique,” ​​he stated.
In Coyhaique, this Tuesday, June 25, the conversation will be held at the Aysén Regional Library, at 10:00; in Puerto Aysén it will take place on July 8 at 3:30 p.m. at the headquarters of the FríoSur Union in an event organized together with the Tripartite Council of Users of the DT; In Cochrane it will take place on July 10 and in Chile Chico, on July 11, 2024 together with the provincial presidential delegations of Captain Pat and General Carrera.
Questions prior to the conversations can be left on the social networks @Mintrabaysen. Registration is at [email protected].
The Ministry of Labor and Social Security launched this week a microsite with the law and related documents It is worth mentioning that the Comptroller General of the Republic is expected to publish an opinion regarding the standard, since it is the institution that has jurisdiction in the municipal and public sphere.


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