Six thousand fish from the Cauca River will be implanted with chips

In order to strengthen ecological restoration strategies in the Cauca River, Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM) and the University of Córdoba have launched an innovative initiative. The project involves the implantation of chips in six thousand fish with the aim of studying their migratory routes and movements, thus allowing more effective future ecological interventions.

The intervention involves inserting an intra-abdominal device into the fish, a closed cylindrical glass chip containing electronic mechanisms. These chips send precise information about fish routes and movements, essential for planning and executing appropriate ecological interventions.

The project focuses on two key species of the Cauca River: the bocachico and the catfish. The implantation of the chips, carried out by veterinary doctors, lasts approximately 20 minutes. After the procedure, the fish go through a recovery process before being returned to the river. This detailed monitoring is crucial to better understand their migratory patterns and ensure their conservation.

What happens if a fisherman catches one of these fish?

If an angler catches one of these tagged fish, he or she is encouraged to take a photo of the tag on the fish’s back or dorsal fin. This plate includes a telephone number and a code that allows you to contact the team of researchers from the University of Córdoba, who are available to answer any questions and coordinate the release of the fish back into the river.

The markings will be carried out in 14 municipalities, concentrating on the middle and lower basin of the Cauca River, from the Bolombolo district in Venice to the municipality of Pinillos in Bolívar. EPM has established three fixed points along the river to continuously monitor fish movements. This constant monitoring is essential to collect accurate and useful data for the conservation of these species.

This effort is part of the environmental initiatives of the Ituango Hydroelectric Project. EPM and the University of Córdoba have implemented this innovative technology within the project’s Environmental Management Plan. In addition to the six thousand fish tagged with chips, 120 individuals (60 largemouth bass and 60 striped catfish) will be tagged with radio telemetry chips.

This project not only seeks to conserve the species of the fishing resource, but also contribute to scientific knowledge about river ecosystems. The collection of data through these chips will allow researchers and environmental authorities to make informed decisions for the protection and restoration of the Cauca River.


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