Today and tomorrow the Seminar on Disciplinary Law, Fiscal Control and Intervention in the Fiscal Procedure in Tunja

Today and tomorrow the Seminar on Disciplinary Law, Fiscal Control and Intervention in the Fiscal Procedure in Tunja
Today and tomorrow the Seminar on Disciplinary Law, Fiscal Control and Intervention in the Fiscal Procedure in Tunja

During the day that began this morning and will continue until tomorrow, they will address topics such as disciplinary procedure, municipal agreements, energy tariff scheme and fiscal control.

This Monday and Tuesday in the Boyaquirá auditorium the First Seminar on Disciplinary Law, Fiscal Control and Intervention in the Fiscal Procedure will be held. Photo: Supplied to Boyacá Sie7e Días.

The Association of Personerías of Boyacá, with the support of the Personería of Tunja, the Comptroller General of Boyacá and the Energy Company of Boyacá (Ebsa), carry out from this morning until tomorrow the First Seminar on Disciplinary Law, Fiscal Control and Intervention in the Tax Procedure.

The event takes place this morning on June 24 and 25, at the Boyaquirá Auditorium in the Boyacá capital, and will feature presentations on topics such as disciplinary procedure, validity of municipal agreements, how to process access to the energy service, procedure guide; public lighting, energy service tariff scheme, fiscal control from the territories and role of the public ministry in the development of the penalty procedure, within the accusatory criminal system.

The agenda began this morning with the intervention of the representative of Tunja, Nelson Andrés Villabona Rueda, with his presentation ‘Instruction Stage within the Disciplinary Procedure Law 1952 of 2019’. Next, the director of the Special Administrative Unit of Legal Advice and Defense of the department of Boyacá, Zamir Silva, will address the topic ‘Validity of municipal agreements’ and in the afternoon the turn will be for the Marketing Manager and the Director of Customer Service of the Boyacá Energy Company (EBSA).

The installation of the second day, this Tuesday, will be in charge of Iván Leonardo Rodríguez Orozco, president of the Association of Personerías of Boyacá (Asoperboy) and later the intervention of Juan Pablo Camargo, Comptroller General of Boyacá, with his presentation ‘El Control Prosecutor from the Territories’. The event will end with the master’s degree in Procedural Law and Criminology, David Restrepo Naranjo.

Representatives from the entire department and officials from the Comptroller’s Office, as well as from other entities, are there.

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