He paid $3 million to save himself from a conviction in Manizales

He paid $3 million to save himself from a conviction in Manizales
He paid $3 million to save himself from a conviction in Manizales

“I’m very happy that everything ended like this. I’m satisfied.” This was expressed on Friday, at the end of a hearing, by a woman, once a victim of domestic violence at the hands of her partner.Alejandro Zapata Ortiz.

The Prosecutor’s Office benefited him with the principle of opportunity (cessation of criminal prosecution), after he made some commitments in February and this week a judge verified that they were fulfilled. The accusing body indicated that it was the same victim who requested that They will grant that to their ex-partner.

Among the obligations assumed by Zapata Ortiz were attending four therapies in which, according to the counselor’s report,, he was receptive and committed to changing his life and resolving conflicts in the best way. The other was to compensate the young woman, with $3 million, which was fulfilled, according to what the victim told the judge.

One more, make a video in which he offered his exto his mother and his brother, a talk about domestic violence and how a woman should be treated well. The guarantee judge watched the recording and gave him approval.

Finally, he asked the girl if Alejandro had behaved well during this time. “Yes, we are not still together, but these days I brought the baby (their 10-month-old son) to be with him for a week and everything went well,” he responded.

After hearing this, the judge endorsed the benefit for this man, who was saved from a sentence of 4 years in prison.

The process is archived. He faced it before the Eighth Municipal Criminal Court of the city.

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