Former Textilcom employees will march again

Former Textilcom employees will march again
Former Textilcom employees will march again

June 24, 2024 – 09:38

More than a month after the closure of the factory, the dismissed employees of the Textilcom company will march again this Wednesday the 26th to demand the reopening of the plant “immediately”, the payment of compensation and owed salaries.

The employees called on textile workers from other factories, social organizations, student centers and the community in general to march. The call is for Wednesday, starting at 6 p.m., and they will travel from the former Textilcom factory to Plaza 25 de Mayo.

“We are 132 families who a month ago lost our jobs from one day to the next. 30 days ago the businessman Vilariño lied to us. He gave us the day off, but not so that we could rest, but to empty the company behind our backs with the intention of taking the production and the machines illegally. Since that day we defend our jobs and the machines that supported our families for two years. Since then, thanks to the support of the community, we remain firm in our claim,” details the call.

“In a difficult economic and social context, the only thing we want is to keep our job and produce clothing, which is what we know how to do. The Government, which supported the installation of this textile in the province, cannot allow the factory closing, committing labor fraud and defrauding the people of Catamarca, increasing unemployment in the province,” he adds.

“They tell us that new investors are going to come, but after a month we are in the same situation. (…) We want to work, we need fabrics to be able to produce, while we fight for the nationalization of the plant to put what we produce at the service of the community. We know that we could make overalls for children, uniforms for state employees or warm clothing for winter at a low cost,” he concludes.


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