680 tons of Sancor cheese to be auctioned

Just over 680 tons of cheese that Sancor put up as collateral for a loan that it could not pay off in the context of a complex financial moment, will be auctioned next month in the City of Buenos Aires.

The merchandise is located in warehouses in Balnearia and La Carlota, in Córdoba.

According to a notice published in different graphic media in the country, the financial company IIG Structured Trade Finance Fund Ltd., the creditor of the dairy cooperative based in Sunchales, Santa Fe, resolved to execute the pledge due to non-payment.

The announcement specified that there are two lots, one of 512,373 kilos of hard cheese and another of 168,250 kilos of semi-hard cheese, which will have a base of US$ 4,957,786.

auction edict

The auction will take place at the Association of Balancers, Public Auction Brokers of Buenos Aires, on July 10 at 11, and buyers must collect the merchandise within five days from two warehouses located in La Carlota and Balnearia, In cordoba.

The problems of the Santa Fe company are not new. For example, in March of this year, the workers threatened to file for bankruptcy over owed salaries and contributions.

The union then stated that the debt was around 5,000 million pesos and the Sunchales plant had to operate with police presence.

There was no public communication from the company at that time, but close sources stated that the amount of debt indicated by Atilra was “fictitious or poorly calculated” and said that the only thing the union wanted was for the company to go bankrupt to take charge of the company. direction, even though the situation did not warrant it.

Chronology of the conflict and crisis

The conflict began in 2017 with a salary debt from Sancor.

At that time, Atilra agreed with the company on a regularization scheme to continue with the tasks, but in October of last year it decided to begin union actions, a series of assemblies that prevented activities in the factories, limiting the arrival of milk from the dairy farmers and the output of products to retail stores and, consequently, the generation of income for the company.

That led SanCor to close its San Guillermo plant and forced it to throw away 100,000 liters of milk that could not be processed in the month of October. The firm assured that they lost more than 4.5 billion pesos due to the stoppage of tasks carried out by Atilra for 65 days.

Source: Clarín Rural

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