Given the firm hypothesis of a trafficking case, the investigation moved to federal jurisdiction

Given the firm hypothesis of a trafficking case, the investigation moved to federal jurisdiction
Given the firm hypothesis of a trafficking case, the investigation moved to federal jurisdiction


GOYA, Corrientes.- Given the firm hypothesis of Loan Danilo Peña, the child who disappeared 11 days ago in Nueve de Julio was the victim of a human trafficking network, The investigation and search went to federal jurisdiction.. This was resolved by Guarantees Judge Goya Darío Ortiz after a presentation where the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Corrientes declined jurisdiction.

“The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Corrientes raised the incompetence and by virtue of the provisions of the Procedural Code of the province and the Procedural Code of the Nation, I have upheld the incompetence and the immediate referral of the file to the Federal Court of Goya, to charge of the judge Cristina Pozzer Penzoand also immediately make available the six detainees and the elements kidnapped so far,” he told THE NATION Judge Ortiz.

Until now, the case for Loan’s disappearance was being handled by the prosecutor Juan Carlos Castilloof the Specific Investigations Fiscal Unit (Ufic) by Goya, and his colleague William Barrywho leads the Fiscal Unit for Reception and Analysis of Cases (Ufrac).

But, after the twist in the case last Friday, when ship captain (R) Carlos Guido Pérez and his wife, former official of the Municipality of Nueve de Julio María Victoria Caillava, were arrested on the accusation that they had kidnapped to Loan and had been transferred to Resistencia, Chaco, the transfer to federal jurisdiction was a matter of time.

Today, before declining jurisdiction, Judge Ortiz had ordered the preventive detention of Pérez, Caillava and Maciel. The same measure of coercion had already been adopted by the first three detainees in the case: Bernardino Antonio Benítez, Loan’s uncle; Daniel Ramírez, nicknamed Fierrito, and his wife, Mónica del Carmen Millepi, who had initially been charged with the crime of abandonment of person.

“We were informed that the charge that will be brought against the detainees will be the recruitment of minors for the purposes of trafficking. “Which implies that the case goes to federal jurisdiction.”, stated lawyer Jorge Monti, defender of Fierrito Ramírez and Millepi. The lawyer’s statements had been said before hearing Judge Ortiz’s decision.

Monti maintained that his clients, Ramírez and Millapi, could request release from prison after being considered “participants” in the crime of trafficking.

“I trust the Federal Justice more than the provincial one because it has more elements, such as human resources. My clients were in the wrong place at the wrong time. “This type of crime requires three fundamental requirements: important logistics, economic capacity and protection from above,” said Monti.

Mónica del Carmen Millepi leaving the prosecutor’s office to be transferred to her place of detentionAlejandro Guyot – LA NACIÓN

Today, Caillava had been transferred to the Goya prosecutor’s office under strong guard and protected with a helmet, shortly after 9 o’clock. Neighbors who were at the scene approached the police car and, while banging on the windows, shouted “murderer, murderer, son of a bitch.”

The protesters who approached the door of the prosecutor’s office shouted: “let them say where it is, let them say where it is”.

Among the evidence obtained by investigators in the last few hours, in an apartment in Resistencia, Chaco, rented a year ago by Pérez, personnel from the Argentine Federal Police (PFA) and the Chaco Police lifted eight fingerprints that will be subjected to expert reports. genetic and fingerprint tests to determine who they belong to. In addition, a 9 millimeter caliber pistol and hundreds of bullets were seized in one of those apartments.

Regarding the investigation, police detectives also worked to reconstruct the movements of the suspects. Sources with access to the file explained to THE NATION that Pérez and Caillava traveled from Nueve de Julio to Resistencia on Friday the 14th, that is, one day after Loan disappeared.

The couple was in the capital of Chaco until Saturday the 15th, when they returned to Nueve de Julio. They traveled in the red Ford Ka where sniffer dogs found “scent traces of the child.”

On the day of Loan’s disappearance, the 13th of this month, Pérez and his wife had been among the diners at the lunch that was held at the house of the boy’s grandmother, Catalina Peña. They did not go to that meal in the red Ford Ka, but in a Ford Ranger truck, owned by Pérez.

For prosecutors Castillo and Barry, Loan did not get lost when he went to look for oranges with his uncle Benítez and Millapi and Ramírez – the first three suspects arrested – but rather they would have taken him in Pérez’s truck to a house in Nueve de Julio. and then they would have loaded him into the Ford Ka to take him to Resistencia and hand him over to the members of a human trafficking network.

In addition to two operations carried out in Chaco, three raids were carried out in Corrientes, where for the first time a dog trained in the search for human remains was used for a search.

The procedures were carried out in two properties linked to Pérez and his wife and in a field owned by the family of Jorge Bertone, Caillava’s ex-partner.

This last field borders a garbage dump, so the search, carried out by members of the Corrientes police and dogs, also extended to that place. Before nightfall, the operation concluded without any trace of Loan being found.

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