Valparaíso requests “government intervention” to help families affected by intense rainfall in recent days

Valparaíso requests “government intervention” to help families affected by intense rainfall in recent days
Valparaíso requests “government intervention” to help families affected by intense rainfall in recent days

From the Municipality of Valparaíso, a call was made to the Government to provide support to families affected by the latest rainfall; this, in order to accelerate the delivery of aid from the central and regional administration.

Although they stated that they have been on the ground with their various teams since the first day of the rains in the Buenos Aires commune, they indicated that the most arduous task is the one carried out after the passage of the frontal system.

Therefore, they indicated that It is not enough to provide aid in the short termbut we must also invest in structural improvements that allow homes to be located in safe places and prevent the occurrence of collapses with the passage of rains.

In fact, one of the emergencies that had the greatest impact was the one that occurred in the town of Curauma, in the upper part of the commune, where The slope of a hill gave way next to a tambourine belonging to a housing condominium. This hill adjoins the parking lot, where the structure fell, endangering both the parked cars and the patios of these houses.

It should be noted that The incident was captured by local surveillance cameras.which shows the seriousness of the event that, fortunately, did not leave any people injured or injured as a result of the collapse.

In response, the Director of Community Development (Dideco) of the Municipality of Valparaíso, Carla Meyer, commented that “These calls, which range from the request for nylon for leaks to landslides, have directly impacted the state of the homes, either due to falling walls or displacement of land.. This clearly means a problem for families who have gone through this situation.”

The municipal teamsThey are collecting all the information to build a more complete diagnosis, since we are going to require the intervention of the central government, through specific aid to families so that they can return to normality.. In addition to this, it is essential to carry out a set of civil works such as retaining walls, paving and road improvements, because if events of this type are repeated, they require the city to have greater infrastructure that allows mitigating the impact on the population. ”.

For his part, Councilor Vladimir Valenzuela, president of the Urban Development Commission, pointed out that “a characteristic hallmark of Valparaíso is the self-construction of homes, which are built through the efforts of families. This way of building a city also requires more land containment works and better rainwater management systems.. “Advance, without so much state bureaucracy, in initiatives and resources that allow for a better city for everyone.”

(Main image: TVN)


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