The works with which the mayors will compete for the funds of Portezuelo del Viento

The works with which the mayors will compete for the funds of Portezuelo del Viento
The works with which the mayors will compete for the funds of Portezuelo del Viento

But Specific criteria for the evaluation that will be made to select the proposals have not yet been outlined. (requests) made by the mayors. And, probably, a lot will depend on the lobby, politics and other issues that usually interfere when selecting projects.

The truth is that the work of the municipalitiesministers or from different organizations, such as Irrigation, Roads, Aysam, etc. Their projects will be to the Public Investment Bank, which has been operating for more than five years.

Currently there is a package of 80 projects with different progress, which can be considered to be financed from the funds that Mendoza received from the Nation.

“We will have a very federal approach, prioritizing projects concentrated in the different oases”highlighted the Minister of Government, Natalio Mema, when he explained the addendum. Meanwhile, the Minister of Finance, Víctor Fayad insisted that Priority will be given to “a repayment that maintains its ability to finance works for development“.

Natalio Mema, Víctor Fayad, Legislature, addendum Portezuelo del Viento.jpg

Fayad and Mema provided details of the addendum on Portezuelo del Viento funds in the Legislature

Photo: Mendoza Legislature Press

There are many ways to do it, the minister explained, depending on the type of works. “If they are productive, the private parties who benefit are the ones who should contribute more to the recovery.. In the case of services, there are mechanisms designed by the entities, such as recovery on invoices,” he explained and warned that “in the road part we have not known how to design works with recovery.”

“The objective is that every time a peso of this trust is invested, it is recovered and returned to the fund to continue investing,” highlighted the Minister of Finance.

We have to recover the productive capacity, which gave rise to this claim. We have to be smart and sustainable in the use of these funds,” she said.

What do the mayors expect with the Portezuelo del Viento funds?

Thus, the mayors already have in mind the works or projects that they will present to “bid” for the funds.

  • For example, the mayor of Guaymallén, Marcos Calvente, wants to use part of those resources for the remodeling of the East access. The investment would be around 12 million dollars. In addition, he will ask for water and sanitary infrastructure works, as he announced as soon as Cornejo’s intention was known.
  • In the case of the mayor of Godoy Cruz, Diego Costarelli, is committed to completing the refunctionalization of the Arizu Space, “one of the great management desires.” This is a work that has already begun and has a lot in the pipeline, which includes real estate development.
  • While Ricardo Mansurfrom Rivadavia, aims at different axes, with education works, expansion of the productive matrix, works for tourism and a “great work in El Carrizal”, it will also present a proposal for an industrial park with a new vision, among others.
  • On Junín’s side, the mayor Mario Abed is considering a package of ten projects linked to sanitation and energy works (solar panels), as well as the measurement of intra-farm irrigation and bike paths.
  • The mayor Flor Destefanis, from Santa Rosa, will “compete” with projects to advance sewers and aqueducts. The diagnosis made by the municipality is that compared to other departments, Santa Rosa occupies second place, after Malargüe, with the fewest connections to the public sewer network system. “The percentage is 8.77% connected to the sewer network and is well below the provincial average, which is 52.75%. This means that only 524 homes have this service. As complementary information, all “Households that have this service live in the Villa Cabecera of the department.”
  • From Maipú they also indicated that the mayor’s priority Matías Stevanato They are sanitation works.
  • From the City of Mendoza and Las Heras, they preferred not to anticipate priority orders. And from the South, they expressed that they would not talk about it. Of course, the latter expressed their discontent with Cornejo’s decision.
  • From the Uco Valley, the mayors of Tunuyán, Emir Andraos; Tupungato, Gustavo Aguilera; and San Carlos, Alejandro Morillashave started meetings to define the presentation of regional projects linked to tourism, productive and economic development, efficiency in the use of our resources, sustainability and sustainability, renewable energies, improvements in transportation, among others.
  • While the Lujanino Esteban Allasino established eight priority works that it intends to be financed with part of the Portezuelo funds, such as the third trail of the South Access, between the sections that go from Paso Street to Azcuénaga Street; the formation of the Safe Route RN°7 corridor, the construction and completion of the Luján Hospital, refloating the Logistics and Airport Productive Pole Project, in the vicinity of the YPF refinery; advance with the next stages of the Metrotram from Pueyrredón Street to Azcuénaga Street, at the San Martín “Luján de Cuyo” railway station, water and sanitation works.


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