A new attack by Milei on the deputies complicates the negotiations for privatizations

A new attack by Milei on the deputies complicates the negotiations for privatizations
A new attack by Milei on the deputies complicates the negotiations for privatizations


In the prelude to the fine negotiation of each of the points of the Bases Law and the fiscal package, Javier Milei once again made the agreements with the dialogue opposition more complex. This morning, from the Czech Republic, the President once again described the deputies as “fiscal degenerates” and It offered them the perfect excuse to strengthen their position against the emissaries of the Casa Rosada.: the deputy chief of staff, Jose Rolandiand the Secretary of Strategic Planning, Maria Ibarzabal.

For example, during this afternoon’s block meeting, a significant portion of We Make the Federal Coalition (HCF) decided to accept the changes in the Base Law proposed by the Senate, which includes the reduced version of the privatization package. The entire Pro decided the samealthough this bloc, with 37 members, was not struck by the President’s statements and its decision was based on respecting the agreements of the upper house.

In the UCR, meanwhile, the president’s radio statements did not arouse interest, but they did not help to change the will in favor of the ruling party’s objectives. Radicalism is accustomed to Milei’s public outbursts, which generally directs its anger towards some representative of the centenary party.

The intention of the Executive Branch is sign tomorrow the majority opinions that allow discussionand also the approvalof the initiatives this Thursday at the venue. To do this, he will have to adjust the will of his parliamentary allies with whom he achieved the half-sanction last April. It is a diverse compendium of 102 deputies, fundamental for the objectives of the ruling party: insisting on the restitution of Profits, the privatization package – with Aerolíneas Argentinas, the Correo and Radio y Televisión Argentina (RTA) –, and the reform in Property Personal.

However, the President once again directly attacked the legislators with whom his delegates will have to seal the agreements to avoid a setback that puts his economic program in check. If there was any position in doubt, the president’s statements fueled the fatigue of collaboratorseager to turn the measures promoted by the libertarian administration into law so that they cannot be used as an excuse to justify management errors.

The block led by Miguel Ángel Pichetto defined that the bulk of its 30 members will accept the changes imposed by the Senate in the Bases Law. The six from the Civic Coalition (CC) will differ from this position, for now, the two socialists, Natalia De la Sota from Córdoba and Jorge “Loma” Ávila from Chubut. The CC agrees with the privatizations and could insist on this point with the version that Deputies sanctioned, although they have not yet defined it.

The other twenty legislators within the space led by Pichetto agree to ratify the modifications of the upper house. Regarding the changes in privatizations and the article that repealed the pension moratorium imposed by Alberto Fernández, HCF considers that they cannot be discussed because they were not voted on in the Senate. “It modifies them Bartolome Abdala [el miembro informante de la Ley Bases] before the general vote,” argues a representative of this bloc.

The same position could be adopted in Unión por la Patria (UP), with 99 members, who have the constitutionalist as their legal sword. Andrés Gil Domínguez.

Part of the pro bloc in DeputiesRicardo Pristupluk

For a different reason, the block led by the macrista Cristian Ritondo will also accept the changes proposed by the Senate in the Bases Law. That is, it will not insist on the text that came from the Deputies, where the companies that the Government intends to reintroduce into the project are located. The argument put forward in Pro is that the ruling party made agreements with its peers in the Upper House to approve the initiative and they will respect them. “They already have the approval,” they said.

Meanwhile, in the UCR positions regarding the privatization package remain divided and unchanged: There are ten deputies who will support the modifications of their fellow senators. If these wills are not twisted in favor of the Government’s objectives, it is likely that the Base Law and its compendium of companies to be liquidated will materialize without Airlines, the Post Office and RTA.

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