Border issues are discussed in Cúcuta to recover the culture of peace

Border issues are discussed in Cúcuta to recover the culture of peace
Border issues are discussed in Cúcuta to recover the culture of peace


The seventh session of Border Affairs will take place in the Colombia – Venezuela border chair at the Julio Pérez Ferrero Public Library.

Mario Zambrano, university professor and one of the speakers, expressed the importance of these spaces that allow work to recover the culture of peace in territories severely hit by violence.

“We lack a metropolitan perspective and a cross-border perspective, because our region is in a border area and there are neither institutional nor legal tools to build security governance, and I believe that the very well-intentioned perspective of the mayors is key , but they are very small ghetto views, and do not measure the complexity of the problem, and the crime is so organized that it adapts to cross-border visions, even better than our institutionality in terms of security,” Mario Zambrano, a university professor, told Caracol Radio. and speaker of the event.

It highlights that the lack of political will has become one of the main factors that does not allow establishing a definitive solution to the control of criminal gangs.

“I think there has been a lack of planning at the national and local level, it seems that people do not know what to do, immediate responses are given and these things end up deepening problems for regions like ours and I think that the president and the government have lacked clear limits in the negotiation processes and that line should not be allowed to run too far, a little more character has been needed,” Zambrano pointed out.

This meeting will start at 9 in the morning and will have the participation of Father Eduardo Soto from the Catholic University of Táchira, Mario Zambrano, professor at the Free University, Francisco Cuadros, member of the Peace Agreement Commission and Rubén Zamora , peace advisor.


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