Draft agreement filed by councilors Juan Diego Amaya and Sebastián Prieto, which aims to regulate parades

The councilors argue that the project seeks to guarantee animal welfare and protection during the horseback parades that take place in the municipality of Neiva, and they propose holding an open town hall in order to reach a consensus with different actors

The draft agreement, “By which horse parades are regulated from a focus on animal protection and welfare, as an economic and cultural activity of the municipality of Neiva, and other provisions are dictated”, through which it seeks to regulate the development of the parades in the Municipality of Neiva, developing strategies that ensure that citizens recognize animals as sentient beings, and providing the necessary institutional tools to guarantee effective compliance with animal protection and welfare laws, was filed in the Corporación Concejo of Neiva, and in the coming days a rapporteur will be appointed.

Juan Diego Amaya councilor author “we are concerned about the constant cases of animal violence or logistical errors on the part of the operators in the development of these parades, what we want is that through an open town hall, we listen to the different sectors of the society to give us contributions about how we regulate these activities, we will invite horsemen, veterinarians, animal protectors, and commercial actors in general, to come and give us their opinions, suggestions, their perspectives about what should happen with the parades, we are even analyzing a request made by some councilors to consider the mayor’s consideration of holding a popular consultation, so that citizens can express themselves about the parades, which is true that they cannot continue as they are today. today, without any type of regulation, with a large number of acts of animal abuse during the development of each of them and even putting attendees in danger, especially minors, in some sectors.

Juan Sebastián Prieto, councilor author “We have filed with councilor Juan Diego Amaya, a draft agreement that seeks to regulate horseback riding in the city of Neiva, also seeking to safeguard the rights of horses and of course that our culture prevails within the context of horseback riding as the cultural heritage of our nation. It is important to tell each of the people that you are interested in this topic; We are going to form some important tables, a possible open town hall where we can listen to all the participants, who have some interest in the specific topic in the parades in which they participate and help us build this draft agreement, it is a draft agreement that “It is open to modifications, it is a draft agreement that is based on special conditions to safeguard the rights of equines and horses and of course we will be attentive to listening to each of the people who want to participate in this project.”

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