For the Güemes Pact, Sáenz offered “rebencozos” to the “unitarian savages” – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

For the Güemes Pact, Sáenz offered “rebencozos” to the “unitarian savages” – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary
For the Güemes Pact, Sáenz offered “rebencozos” to the “unitarian savages” – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

Governor Gustavo Sáenz became a trend again in the last few hours in his personal crusade against “unitarism” or “antifederalism.”

This time, and in dialogue with national media, the president targeted those who denounced the Güemes Pact and called them “unitarian savages.”

Sáenz, in dialogue with the journalist from La Nación +, Eduardo Feinmangave details about his recent meeting with the president Javier Milei in CABA where he also delivered a copy of the Güemes Pact that was signed by representatives from different sectors of the province, leaders of neighboring provinces and Victoria Villarruel in her capacity as interim president on June 17.

In this framework, the man from Salta made his usual defense against centralism, and the lack of federalist outlook on the part of many members of the political leadership, always emphasizing that “it is not exclusive to this national government.”

“I am here with the whip in case there is any unitarian savage who wants to go against the Güemes Pact. “We are here to discipline him,” he said, showing off the field rod element before the television cameras.

Likewise, he recalled that: “The needs of the north are many, but also the opportunities we have to give to the world” and he prayed again: the words of his former running mate Sergio Massa: “Unfortunately, the great north is a sleeping giant that has to wake up,” he said and replied: “and we are going to wake it up by beating the central power if necessary so that once and for all they have a less centralist view,” before the celebration and grace of the Buenos Aires journalist.

The statements of the Salta president go hand in hand with the series of responses from the provincial government after the decision of the representatives of La Libertad Avanza, on June 17, when they withdrew prior to the signing of the Güemes Pact. The decision generated numerous criticisms, which pointed to the “game” that libertarians played with the centralist view, to the detriment of the claims of federalism promoted by the Güemes Pact, especially in matters of public works.

“An empty question”

The one who once again picked up the gauntlet in this plot of federals and anti-federals was the national deputy for LLA Carlos Zapata: «Sáenz lies, on June 11 the governor met with the chief of staff and Lisandro Catalán and signing an agreement for certain works in Salta financed by the Nation and many of these works make up the Güemes Pact,” said Zapata.

Furthermore, he maintained that this pact “is an empty question” and once again emphasized the use of the name of the gaucho hero to position this pact. Faced with the proposal to join the Güemes Pact, we raised a counterpoint with a less irreverent name, we began by saying that we repudiate the purely political use of the name and memory of our outstanding hero.

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