ICBF invests $275 billion for child care in Magdalena

ICBF invests $275 billion for child care in Magdalena
ICBF invests $275 billion for child care in Magdalena

The Colombian Institute of Family Welfare, ICBF, presented a balance of his management in the department of Magdalena, highlighting the achievements obtained during the last two months and the investment of more than 275 billion pesos to strengthen care for the child population in the region.

The director in charge of the ICBF regional office in Magdalena, María del Rosario Blanco, presented the achievements and results obtained during the short period under her control. administration, highlighting the entity’s commitment to guaranteeing the rights of 90,077 boys, girls, adolescents and families, with an investment of more than 275 billion pesos.

In terms of early childhood, significant coverage was achieved, providing comprehensive care to 78,561 boys, girls and pregnant women. Improvements were implemented in the basket of services and more than 1,000 social control and oversight committees were established in the services intended for this population.

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Initiatives for childhood and adolescence

Under the motto “Small actions, big transformations”, the initiative “The store from you to you” was highlighted, whose objective is to teach boys and girls with disabilities how to manage the money on your daily purchases. Likewise, risk prevention was promoted through the “Dream Catcher” strategy, which benefited 4,675 children and adolescents.

Regarding the protection of rights, the specialized adoption defense office was created in Santa Marta and technical support was provided to the mayors for the implementation of foster homes in the municipalities of Fundación, Algarrobo, Pijiño del Carmen and Nueva Granada. In addition, the adoption of a 16-year-old adolescent was celebrated, reaffirming the ICBF’s commitment to reestablishing the right to a family for children and adolescents in the department of Magdalena.

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Blanco highlighted that budget execution reached 99.99% in the region in 2023, demonstrating efficient and transparent administration of the resources assigned for the well-being of the child and adolescent population of the region. Magdalena.

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