Final negotiation for the Bases Law and reconfiguration of the cabinet in Javier Milei’s urgent agenda

Final negotiation for the Bases Law and reconfiguration of the cabinet in Javier Milei’s urgent agenda
Final negotiation for the Bases Law and reconfiguration of the cabinet in Javier Milei’s urgent agenda

Javier Milei and Guillermo Francos wait for the approval of the Bases Law in the Chamber of Deputies

After a semester of debate, operations and cross-negotiations, and after the general sanction of the Senate, the Government will seek to definitively close this week the discussion around the Bases Law and the fiscal package with its final approval in Deputies and open in that way a new stage of management that will include a reconfiguration of part of the cabinet, under analysis since Javier Milei He decided to publicly state that he was not satisfied with the functioning of some of his collaborators, in particular the former Chief of Staff. Nicolas Posse.

Yesterday, while the news channels dedicated a good part of the journalistic coverage to the “Loan Case”, in the Casa Rosada the latest parliamentary negotiations with the dialogue opposition and the allied blocs were closely followed, especially due to the fate of the recomposition of Earnings for fourth category employees and Personal Property, the two main titles of the fiscal package that were rejected by the Senate and that the Government tried to reach a consensus in Deputies according to its original text, beyond the setback in the Upper House that triggered a dispute technical due to its validity and which has not yet been settled.

Official sources confided to this medium that the final conversations in this area, before this Tuesday’s push for an opinion with the articles modified by the Senate, were fruitful. “The votes should be there for the fiscal package”said a block leader late at night after hours of debate against the clock that the Executive’s envoys led in the afternoon in Deputies with the allies, in general well predisposed to collaborate with the Government to settle the package of laws once and for all. sent by Milei to Parliament.

On the contrary, the sources consulted recognized that, in the chapter linked to privatizations, Until yesterday, the Government had not achieved a majority consensus to include some of the companies again that were left off the list after the debate in the Senate, specifically Argentinian airlines either the mail. It was the ruling party itself that, prior to the discussion in the Upper House, eliminated both companies along with RTA. That decision, which sought to convince a portion of the allies and part of the Peronist opposition for the general sanction, served in the last hours as a technical argument to Miguel Ángel Pichetto -the deputy brought the issue to the meeting with the ruling party- to leave the negotiations in that area almost closed.

In any case, official sources highlighted, the Government will have to return to the fray later.

José Rolandi, a close man of Guillermo Francos, carried out the negotiations of the Bases Law
José Rolandi, a close man of Guillermo Francos, carried out the negotiations of the Bases Law

At the forefront of the negotiations he once again positioned himself in these hours José “Cochi” Rolandithe deputy chief of staff, a technician who came to the cabinet at the hands of Posse and who survived his departure, which was very traumatic for the former chief of ministers: he did not last even a semester in public service. Guillermo Francoshis replacement, who established a relationship with him in Corporación América, tried to reinsert him on more than one occasion, but gave up when he encountered an insurmountable refusal from the “iron triangle” made up of Milei and her sister Karina, and the strategist Santiago Caputo.

This Monday, in official offices they were wondering about Rolandi’s future once the Base Law and the fiscal package have already been definitively sanctioned. Until now, the deputy chief of staff was dedicated almost full time to the negotiation of these texts with Parliament. To the point that he established a good relationship with several legislators, who recognize his professionalism. “He learned a lot these months,” a block leader summarized last night.

Will you have daily management control after the sanction of the projects? It is a question that was circulating in official corridors at this time. Particularly because Francos intends to have a much more political role than controller of management. The former Minister of the Interior understood perfectly how the decision-making system devised by Milei, his sister and the political consultant who graduated with Jaime Durán Barba but that unlocked a greater level of influence than the Ecuadorian had with Mauricio Macri when he decided to take charge of a good part of the administration of power. Francos does not want to get into that dispute. He’s not interested. He even preferred to stay on the ground floor of the Casa Rosada and leave the chief of staff’s office so that it could eventually be occupied by the president’s sister.

Rescued by the coordinating minister, and closely monitored by Caputo through the supervision of Maria Ibarzabalof the most extreme confidence of the strategist, also valued by the allies – he accompanied the deputy chief of staff in all the meetings -, Rolandi is one of the collaborators who waits for the new layout of the Chief of Staff, in standby until Milei defines the extent to which it intends to reconfigure the government structure and the powers of its collaborators.

Strategist Santiago Caputo, one of President Javier Milei's most trusted men
Strategist Santiago Caputo, one of President Javier Milei’s most trusted men

The margin of action that you will have will depend, to a large extent, on that resolution. Federico Sturzeneggerwhose arrival as minister was delayed in recent days after Milei himself announced at the end of May that he had a position as minister reserved for him, probably for “modernization” or “deregulation.”

For now, the former president of the Macri Central Bank, a “colossus,” according to the head of state who still insists on closing the entity, already knows that he will not have control of public companies under his control, which will pass under his orbit. of Luis “Toto” Caputowith whom he maintains a sordid dispute that in recent weeks they have sought to lower the intensity.

The reorganization of management, in a good number of areas, a weak point on the board of the libertarian administration, It is a pending task for the head of state for the second semester.

In recent weeks, “Toto” lowered its profile. He is expectant. Beyond the considerable slowdown in price increases, the economic numbers also generally show alarming figures: the INDEC made official yesterday that the GDP collapsed in the first quarter – a fall of 5.1% -, the free dollar It rose again in these hours and the market is beginning to wonder how long the minister will be able to hold out without a major devaluation, beyond the crawling peg around 2%.

At this time, within the cabinet they still did not know the final fate of these companies. Until yesterday, Diego Chaher He worked at Casa Rosada under the direction of Santiago Caputo, with the directive to find and replace all directors and managers who, until he was ejected from the Government, reported to Posse.

The consultant delegated this task to the former public media controller and his closest advisors. After one semester, like the Secretary General of the Presidency, the strategist has more and more powers: he controls the cabinet, the Energy area, the news regarding the specifications of the judges for the Supreme Court sent to the Senate and the new intervention of the AFI, in the hands of Sergio Neiffert. This area is the most sensitive of all: Caputo has reserved the scouting for him and his partners.

According to the flight plan, after a technical stop in Recife, Brazil, Milei was scheduled to land in the country on Tuesday morning to monitor the latest negotiations in the Lower House ahead of the ruling and the session that, according to the roadmap, should take place this Thursday in Deputies.

Miguel Ángel Pichetto, one of the leaders of the dialogue opposition and his position towards public companies that complicates the Government (Gustavo Gavotti)
Miguel Ángel Pichetto, one of the leaders of the dialogue opposition and his position towards public companies that complicates the Government (Gustavo Gavotti)

In Spain, Germany and the Czech Republic, the president celebrated a series of awards, going so far as to claim that he is “rewriting a large part of economic theory.” Milei exacerbates his leadership. He even added that he would “probably” be considered for the “Nobel Prize in economics,” a quip of Daniel Scioliwhich last week defined itself as “Peronist and libertarian.”

He is not the only one: in parallel to the general sanction of the Bases Law and the fiscal package in the Senate, a group of Peronist governors paraded through Casa Rosada – also provincial and allied – who do not have national leadership and who notice a little more pragmatism in the Government. In addition, in need of the replacement of Profits, which is shared in more than 50%, urgently needed, especially, those in the central and northern areas.

Last week the provincial heads of Salta, Tucumán, Catamarca and Jujuy passed by. Before that of Neuquén. This Tuesday it will be the turn of those from San Juan, Santa Fe and San Luis, from Together for Change. Gustavo Valdés, from Corrientes, warned that he would not be in the game due to the chilling news surrounding Loan’s disappearance. On Wednesday, meanwhile, the leaders of the PRO and the UCR will meet as a group to finish defining a common position for the final negotiations on the package of laws that is headed to be sanctioned once and for all in Congress.

After that, Milei intends to have his delayed “May Pact” in Tucumán, the night of next July 9, as he called last week from Rosario. A risky date for someone who has communication as one of her main State policies. That night, if everything goes as planned by Lionel Scaloni, the Argentine soccer team could play in the United States for the Copa América semifinal.

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