Negotiations against the clock over the Bases Law: dialogue-oriented governors meet urgently with deputies

Negotiations against the clock over the Bases Law: dialogue-oriented governors meet urgently with deputies
Negotiations against the clock over the Bases Law: dialogue-oriented governors meet urgently with deputies

Negotiations against the clock for the Bases Law: the dialogue governors meet urgently with deputies

A group of governors “dialogues” They will meet this afternoon in the City of Buenos Aires with national deputies from the blocs We Make the Federal Coalition (HCF), Miguel Ángel Pichetto, and the Radical Civic Union. The meeting arose unexpectedly and with a certain urgency. The time scheduled for the session in the Lower House to debate the Base Law and the fiscal package that the Senate sent 10 days ago is running out. They seek to unblock the negotiations on points that they consider “central” for the provinces. This is a block of leaders of radicalism, the PRO and non-K Peronism who maintain a position of good harmony with the Casa Rosada.

The meeting is scheduled for this afternoon at the headquarters of the Federal Investment Council (CFI), in downtown Buenos Aires. Although they have had moments of confrontation and nuances with Javier Mileiare governors of a league that maintain a kind of tactical alliance with the Casa Rosada.

Those who will be present today at the CFI are the radicals Alfredo Cornejo (Mendoza) and Maximiliano Pullaro (Santa Fe), the one from the PRO Rogelio Frigerio (Entre Ríos), and the Peronist Martin Llaryora (Cordova). It is not ruled out that it could be added Gustavo Saenz (Salta), which affects the Innovation bench, attached to HCF. While Ignacio Torres (Chubut) will not be able to attend because he traveled to Italy, invited by Diana Mondino, chancellor, to an international energy forum. They are the leaders who have influence over the block they lead. Pichettoon the one hand, and at the UCR, on the other.

While those who will be attentive to the meeting, although they will not attend, are Leandro Zdero (Chaco), Gustavo Valdes (Currents), Marcelo Orrego (San Juan), Jorge Macri (CABA), and Claudio Poggi (Saint Louis). They are the leaders who complete the list of 10 leaders of Together for Change.

The governors of Together for Change in the last meeting they had in Casa Rosada (Franco Fafasuli)

The provinces They demand funds from the Executive Branch to supplement the removed from Income Taxtribute co-participatory The previous government, under the management of Sergio Massa in the Ministry of Economy, had promoted the deduction of the fourth category of that tax. The measure implied a loss in the collection of provincial administrations.

However, the discussion has some points. The Patagonian governors reject that the text does not have a differential for their provinces, where the cost of living is higher. While other governors, such as Llaryora and the radicals, demand an agreement with the Government to avoid paying the “political cost” of reinstating a tax that affects the middle class and, consequently, is bad news for their provincial electorates.

Besides, They demand that the changes in the Personal Property Tax be maintained contained in the original wording that had been approved by Deputies in April. These are two points that the Senate rejected in the particular vote. Now, the Lower House has the possibility of ratifying the modifications made by the reviewing Chamber. Or, well, insist on the source text.

Martín Llaryora, governor of Córdoba, in his last meeting with Guillermo Francos, chief of staff

The governors of JxC had already scheduled to meet the Wednesday. The objective of the meeting is the same as tomorrow’s. For now, the two conclaves are still standing. But it was decided to hold tomorrow’s conclave with the dialogue legislators when the negotiation with the Government once again entered into an area boggy.

The nuances appeared during the meeting that the Government and a group of legislators had this afternoon in the office of Martin Menempresident of the Chamber of Deputies. Jose RolandiVice Chief of Staff of the Nation, and María Irrazabal Murphy, Secretary of Regulatory Strategic Planning, were the representatives of the Executive Branch. While the deputies participated José Luis Espert, Nicolás Mayoraz, Gabriel Bornoroni, Santiago Santurio and Nadia Marquezfrom La Libertad Avanza; Cristian Ritondo, Silvana Giudici and Silvia Lospennato by the PRO; Rodrigo De Loredo, Pamela Verasay and Alejandro Cacace by the UCR; and Pichetto, Emilio Monzo, Nicolas Massot, Oscar Agost Carreño, Carlos Mario Gutierrez and Pamela Caletti by HCF.

Guillermo Francos, Chief of Staff of the Nation

The meeting lasted just over two hours. The original political agreement of the Government with the dialogueists was accept the changes what the Senate did in the Bases Law, but insist in the original wording of the Fiscal Measures Law. The thing is that the Casa Rosada intends to restore the Income Tax and Personal Property, which were rejected by the reviewing Chamber.

In the midst of these discussions, a group of legislators from the Civic Coalition and HCF raised the need to also insist on the reinstatement of the article 111 of the Base Law. This is the point that eliminates the tax benefits for the well-known “Tierra del Fuego Regime”. Something difficult to achieve, because the Senate vetoed that section with two-thirds. Therefore, it forces Deputies to achieve the same majority to reestablish the wording suppressed by the Upper House. It will not happen, but the deputies in question will ask that the issue be discussed to make their position clear.

While the Government ced in privatizations of Airlines, Mail and public media, which does not achieve the numbers to reincorporate them, as well as the possibility of insisting on the original wording of the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI).

The Chamber of Deputies of the Nation will discuss the Bases Law and the fiscal package this week to debate the modifications sent by the Senate

This is the political context that motivated the visit of this group of governors tomorrow to the CFI. The leaders will talk with the deputies to reach agreement and close the negotiation with the government. Once that meeting is over, another meeting of the dialogue legislators with Menem and the political operators of the Casa Rosada is planned. It will be at 13 in the office of the president of the House.

Meanwhile, Pullaro, Poggi and Orrego will parade tomorrow at Balcarce 50 to meet with Guillermo Francos, Chief of Staff of the Nation. They will be, separately, face to face with the coordinating minister, in his office in front of the Patio de las Palmeras. They will be individual, brief meetings, focused on signing public works agreements. These are gestures that the Casa Rosada applies to allied leaders. The provinces have been pressuring Milei since the beginning of the year for funds for public works or to resume paralyzed construction that was financed by the national government.

The date made it easier to organize the meeting in Deputies unexpectedly. Tomorrow there will be a event organized by AMIA, within the framework of a series of activities to mark the 30th anniversary of the attack on the Jewish mutual fund, which will be celebrated on July 18. Its about Federal Meeting for Memory, to which governors and national government officials are invited. As the leaders planned to be in Buenos Aires for that event, it was easier to coordinate the conclave with the legislators.

As he knew Infobae, the AMIA event will take place at Pasteur 633, headquarters of the Israeli mutual society, and will begin at 10. The leaders of JxC were summoned. As well as the provincial heads of Peronist districts.

It should be noted that Deputies summoned tomorrow the meeting of the plenary commissions that will rule on the Base Law and the Budget commission to analyze the Fiscal Package coming from the Senate. The Government intends to have a session on Thursday. And finalize details to achieve the necessary agreements. It is a substantial week for the fate of the Bases Law. The governors know this and that is why they decided to play with the times to pressure Milei until the last minute.

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