Cases increase in Cuba and spread to more than half of the country

The Oropouche fever spreads in Cuba and there are already cases in 9 of 16 provinces that make up the country. The Ministry of Health confirmed the information through a statement.

It is a zoonotic disease caused by the Oropouche virus, an RNA virus of the genus Orthobunyavirus belonging to the Peribunyaviridae family. the same It was first detected in Cuba at the end of May.

Cuba: Oropouche fever was detected for the first time in May

This virus is transmitted to humans mainly by bite of the midge mosquito Culicoides paraensis. The insect is found in North America, Central America, Caribbean reaching up Argentina and Uruguay.


The presence of the mosquito that transmits Oropouche fever is usually abundant in warm and rainy months.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO)the transmission of this virus is common in rural and urban communities in countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Panama, Peru and Trinidad and Tobago.

According to a report from the organization, this year it was detected in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Peru. In Cuba, “this is the first detection of the disease in the country, so the population is likely to be highly susceptible and there is a significant risk of additional cases being detected“he assured.

Symptoms and treatment of Oropouche fever

The disease has an incubation period of 5 to 7 days. The symptoms are:

  • High fever.
  • Headache.
  • Red spots on the skin.
  • Bleeding from the nose or gums.
  • Vomiting.

The Cuban Ministry of Health also explained that “There is no specific treatment” Therefore, it is important to go to the doctor when symptoms occur. Anyway, he clarified: “Does not leave consequences and is not associated with the appearance of serious forms or deaths“.

For their part, Cuban authorities warned about an increase in the “incidence of suspected cases” of dengue in six provinces of Cuba. Regarding this disease, the secretariat warned: “Unlike Oropouche, the clinical picture of this disease can evolve into severe forms and cause death“.

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