Bases Law: One by one, how the deputies of Neuquén and Río Negro vote

He Government of Javier Milei He closely followed the activity of Congress this Tuesday. The ruling party managed to achieve a majority opinion in Deputies for the Bases Law and the fiscal package. This Thursday is expected to be the session, where the Senate changes are expected to be ratified. How you are expected to vote the legislators of Neuquén and Río Negro.

Listen to Sergio Capozzi, deputy for Río Negro, on RÍO NEGRO RADIO

In April of this year, on the Neuquén side, Nadia Márquez, Pablo Cervi, and Osvaldo Llancafiloaccompanied the draft of the Base Law. Pablo Todero and Tanya Bertoldi, they leaned towards rejection. It is expected that there will be no significant changes in positions.

The national deputy of the Neuquén Popular Movement, Osvaldo Llancafilo, announced yesterday that he will accompany the Bases Law that was approved, with modifications, in the Senate. “The ruling party accepted our modifications to the text of the project, so we supported the draft Base Law so that the National Executive has the tools to correct the microeconomy. Although macroeconomic aspects have been improved, now we must also work on the daily life of Argentines, it is important that people’s purchasing power improves in front of the gondola,” he said.

Among the modifications that stood out are those of Chapter Hydrocarbons that “represent a very significant comparative advantage for the development of both gas and oil, taking into account that until today only 8% of the known resources in the entire Vaca Muerta area have been used.” It added the advantages of the Large Investment Regime Chapter (RIGI).

Regarding the Law of Fiscal Measures, Llancafilo announced that he will once again oppose the restitution of the Income Tax just as what was discussed and in line with Governor Rolando Figueroa: “It is already a matter of judgment by the Senate, which rejected the complete chapter of Profits, with which we understand that it is neither a modification nor is it an addition, as it is clearly stated. constitutional. If the reinstatement of what was rejected is intended, I will vote against it, just as I did in the first instance.”

Bases Law: how the deputies of Río Negro vote

Meanwhile, the legislators of Río Negro, meanwhile, when the vote was taken at the end of April, supported the official project, Aníbal Tortoriello, Lorena Villaverde, Agustín Domingo and Sergio Capozziwhile Martín Soria, from Unión por la Patria, rejected the project. Nor are any modifications expected with respect to the last vote.

Listen to Agustín Domingo, deputy for Río Negro, on RÍO NEGRO RADIO:

For Capozzi’s part, he announced that he will accompany the original project, not the one that came with modifications from the Senate. He stated this in BLACK RIVER RADIO: «We are going to bring to the premises the ratification of what we defined at the time in Deputies. But that will depend on what the block heads discuss,” he explained.

«That does not mean that our participation at some moments remains abstract. For example, in privatizations the Government has decided to withdraw the proposals. And in other aspects they arrive with more than two-thirds of votes in the Senate“, broad.

About Profits he commented that in Alberto Fernández’s management they opposed his elimination. “It would be incoherent for us to now hold the opposite position”he assured and at the same time announced that they were going to insist on the proposal previously approved in the Upper House.

While, Agustín Domingo will also ratify his support for the project —in line with the actions of Mónica Silva in the Senate—. «The expectation is good. A lot of work has been done in recent months to achieve agreements and consensus. We understand that it will be a treatment respecting the agreements that were made. And taking out the law, which is already sanctioned. The only thing that remains is to define whether the changes introduced by the Senate are approved«, explained the JSRN legislator in BLACK RIVER RADIO.

«Our senator Mónica Silva worked to achieve changes. Therefore, we are in favor of respecting these agreements.«he insisted.

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