Mariana Fabbiani and her team surprised in the open air by the new suspicion about the Loan case SHOW El Intransigente

Mariana Fabbiani and her team surprised in the open air by the new suspicion about the Loan case SHOW El Intransigente
Mariana Fabbiani and her team surprised in the open air by the new suspicion about the Loan case SHOW El Intransigente

Mariana Fabbiani He manages to convey with great charisma and sensitivity the issues that most afflict Argentines. From your program in America TV, does not stop expressing opinions and taking a position on the matter. And that is why it is not surprising that he expressed surprise when hearing a new suspicion about the Loan case, which shocks the country. «I live in Corrientes«, stated no less that his father’s lawyer.

As has been happening, part of the DDM program this Tuesday in America TV was dedicated to monitoring the Loan Case, the child who has been missing on Corrientes soil for ten days and about whom there is a wide network of hypotheses. At that point, in the América TV cycle They did several interviews to learn more views and news on the subject.

He spoke first Laudelina, aunt of the missing child whose photo spread throughout the country. «I don’t know who took it. It could have been anyone because they didn’t know Loan was going to go,” the woman said. Likewise, she clarified that “the baby and his dad arrived as a surprise«, seeking to disassociate herself from a kidnapping plan in which she had intervened.

But the strongest part of Mariana Fabbiani’s program came when interviewing Roberto Mendez, Loan’s father’s lawyer. Firstly, the lawyer sought to deny many of the rumors that are doing the rounds. «There is a lot of misinformation and rumors. I ask you to be cautious on the subject“he warned the media following the issue in Buenos Aires.

After that, Mariana Fabbiani conveyed the question that everyone wants to ask the child’s father. «What does José think happened? Who does he suspect?«, the América TV host asked him. Given this, Dr. Méndez indicated that Loan’s father “distrusts everyone.” “He is confused. “I told him and I spoke with Mariano that they are going to investigate everyone, because he was lost within the family environment and everyone is a suspect,” she responded.

Mariana Fabbiani’s key question to Loan’s father’s lawyer

The most relevant moment of the interview occurred when the lawyer opened the door to a darker hypothesis, that of recruitment for exploitation purposes. «I didn’t talk about this before because there was no evidence, only indications.. For me they either took it out or took it to a place and then removed it. For me, they move it but they never reach Corrientes Capital or Chaco,” he said. Emphasizing, before Fabbiani’s gaze, his gaze: that Loan may currently be alive in the province of Corrientes.

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