Sanjuanino beats up his sister

Sanjuanino beats up his sister
Sanjuanino beats up his sister
Illustrative Image

On June 23, around 8:00 p.m., a family visit at the 25 de Mayo apartment turned violent when Jose Marcelo Castro physically attacked his sister during a dispute. Sources in the case reported that the victim had gone to visit her mother along with her partner and her children. Not finding it at her home, they found it at a nephew’s house on the corner from her. After this, her mother invited the victim to her home.

While they were on the sidewalk, Castro showed up at the scene and he started to scold his sister over old family disputes, accusing her of being the cause of his parents’ separation and other problems. In the middle of the discussion, Castro hit the woman in the face, causing visible injuries. The victim’s partner tried to intervene to calm the situation, but Castro pushed him and attacked her sister again with a punch in the mouth.

The situation worsened when the victim’s partner began to struggle with Castro and his son, who was also at the scene. Finally, the family managed to escape in their car and went to Police Station No. 32 to report the incident. Police personnel showed up at the home and proceeded to arrest Castro, who was still on the sidewalk.

According to Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF), the victim was transferred to the Center for Attention to Victims of Violence (CAVIG), where a medical examiner verified her injuries and a complaint was taken. The prosecutor on duty, Adrián Riveros, ordered the start of the flagrante delicto procedure.

The judge determined the suspension of trial for a period of one year. In addition, Castro must carry out a symbolic reparation of $4000 intended for community picnic areas and paying $5,000 in milk for the same picnic areas due to health problems that prevent him from carrying out unpaid work. He was also prohibited from approaching within 200 meters of her sister’s home and from carrying out annoying or disturbing acts.


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