FARC dissidents murdered indigenous leader in Cauca

FARC dissidents murdered indigenous leader in Cauca
FARC dissidents murdered indigenous leader in Cauca

Dissidents of the FARC murdered an indigenous community member belonging to the ancestral reservation of La Cilia, La Calera, located in the rural area of ​​the municipality of Miranda, Cauca.

The public order crisis is increasingly worsening in the southwest of the country due to the actions of the Central General Staff of the FARC dissidents against the civilian population and the Public Force. Indigenous communities denounce that they have become a military objective of the armed groups that operate in the territory.

This Monday, June 24, members of the Dagoberto Ramos bloc murdered Florentino Mesa Noscue, after being detained by armed men near Tierra Colorada while he was traveling on a motorcycle with his wife and son. The Indigenous Guard began searching but unfortunately they found him dead with several gunshot wounds to his head.

This is an atrocious act that violates Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, with explicit responsibility of the Dagoberto Ramos Front. In indigenous communities we continue to suffer the horrors of war and a systematic extermination of our communities,” expressed the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca, through a statement.

“Armed groups cannot continue inflicting death under any circumstances. Their murderous logic only deepens the harsh conditions in which communities try to survive. “We demand an end to attacks against the population and respect for life in all circumstances,” he added.


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