Starting today, La Rioja has a new weather radar – La 4×4 Radio

Starting today, La Rioja has a new weather radar – La 4×4 Radio
Starting today, La Rioja has a new weather radar – La 4×4 Radio

He System National of Weather Radars (SINARAME) continues to expand its hydrometeorological observation network in Argentina with the recent incorporation of a new RMA radar in Patquía, La Rioja. This initiativearticulated between the Government of La Rioja through the Ministry of Water and Energy and the Undersecretary of Water Resources of the Ministry of Economy of the Nation, aims to improve the detection and monitoring of severe weather events in real time.

As of today, Patquia’s radar was incorporated into the SMN

The radar, manufactured by INVAP SE, It will operate 24 hours a day throughout the year and has a five-meter-diameter satellite dish mounted on a 37-meter-high tower. The radar antenna emits radio waves that scan the atmosphere to identify water, snow and hail particles. The waves then bounce back and return for processing.

The information emitted by the radar It allows you to locate bodies of water and make a forecast of meteorological events. Based on these data, an analysis of the information collected by the radar will be carried out so that the National Meteorological Service (SMN) can issue alerts to the general public and authorities in matters of water resources for risk management.

The measurement system is of vital importance for the Province since it will allow obtaining meteorological data such as rain, winds, hail and non-meteorological data such as volcanic eruptions.

The radar, It is located at the intersection of National Routes N°38 and N°74, and allows coverage of approximately 250 km in its surrounding area, which is why it also ensures surveillance over some sectors of the provinces of San Juan, Catamarca and Córdoba. . In addition, the Undersecretariat of Water Resources will install five additional meteorological stations in strategic locations and has installed a snowological station in the radar coverage area. These were selected in conjunction with the Ministry of Water and Energy of the province of La Rioja.

What does this mean for La Rioja?

The installation of the new radar in Patquía will allow the SMN to provide much more precise and timely meteorological information for La Rioja. This will help provincial authorities make timely decisions to protect the population from severe events.

With this new incorporation, the capacity of the Argentine State for the prevention and mitigation of disasters is strengthened, as well as to promote the socioeconomic development of the country through more efficient management of hydrometeorological information.

The radar was installed within the framework of the work “EXTENSION OF COVERAGE OF THE NATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL RADAR SYSTEM – SINARAME STAGE III”, of the Undersecretariat of Water Resources of the Ministry of Economy of the Nation and has the collaboration of the Ministry of Water and Energy of the Province of La Rioja.

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