Entre Ríos focuses on the prevention of problematic drug use – News

Entre Ríos focuses on the prevention of problematic drug use – News
Entre Ríos focuses on the prevention of problematic drug use – News

On the International Day to Fight Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, the Government of Entre Ríos reinforces its commitment through prevention spaces and strategies. The Copnaf Young Protagonists program has more than 36 sites.

In these spaces belonging to the Provincial Council for Children, Adolescents and the Family (Copnaf), support, dialogue and recreational activities are offered to promote a healthy and safe environment for adolescents.

They are dedicated to active listening, containment and promotion through cultural, recreational and sports activities, providing a safe and enriching environment for all. By addressing drug use prevention, a broad and comprehensive perspective of health and care is offered, recognizing the influence of a consumerist and commercial culture in society.

The Young Protagonists program encourages dialogue and reflection on consumption, good treatment and active participation, enabling spaces where adolescents are protagonists in the construction of frameworks of care, respect, listening and promotion of rights.


In Argentina, the age of initiation of substance use is around 11 years, according to recent data. Between 2017 and 2022, marijuana consumption levels almost doubled and alcohol consumption grew among adolescents. “We can all be part of prevention, because it is the best way to Prevent together,” said the director of Addiction Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health, Pablo Cymbalista.

This year, the United Nations (UN) uses the slogan “The evidence is clear: we must invest in prevention” to commemorate this day of reflection. The task requires the participation of all areas, providing tools and providing clear and accessible information to the community.


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